/* Written By: Prawar Poudel This program is intended to showcase the use of strtok() function Please study about the strtok function first and compare the three outputs that you will receive here */ #include #include #include int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { printf("Demo Number 1\n"); printf("================\n"); char myString[100] = "i,want to break,this string using, both,comma and space"; //following is the temporary string that I want to keep my char[] read from breaking the above char[] myString //following breaks based on space character char *temp; temp = strtok(myString," "); //include inside "" while(temp!=NULL) { printf("%s\n",temp); temp = strtok(NULL," "); //include inside "" } //following breaks based on comma character printf("\n\nDemo Number 2\n"); printf("================\n"); strcpy(myString,"i,want to break,this string using, both,comma and space"); temp = strtok(myString,","); //include , inside "" while(temp!=NULL) { printf("%s\n",temp); temp = strtok(NULL,","); //include , inside "" } //following breaks based on space or comma character printf("\n\nDemo Number 3\n"); printf("================\n"); strcpy(myString,"i,want to break,this string using, both,comma and space"); temp = strtok(myString,", "); //include both space and , inside "" while(temp!=NULL) while(temp!=NULL) { printf("%s\n",temp); temp = strtok(NULL,", "); //include both space and , inside "" } return 0; }