#include #include #include #include #include #include extern WINDOW* initscr(void); extern int start_color(void); /* LDRA_EXCLUDE RULE VIOLATION FALSE POSITIVE -- why */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE* mazeFile; /* Maze Input File */ unsigned int row = 0; /* Holds number of rows for input from file */ unsigned int col = 0; /* Holds number of cols for input from file */ unsigned int pcol = 0; unsigned int prow = 0; char shold[2000]; /* Holds lines for input from file */ unsigned int l = 0; unsigned int k = 0; char **maze; /* array for maze */ unsigned int c1 = 0; unsigned int c2 = 0; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int j = 0; unsigned int x = 0; unsigned int y = 0; int deltaRow, deltaCol; /* Change in row-column position based on key input */ unsigned int score = 0; WINDOW* W = 0; /* Curses Window handle */ unsigned int rowLimit,colLimit; /* Num of rows and columns in terminal window */ /* Initialize ncurses -- you will want to use the following settings */ /* check to see if argument */ if (argc != 2) { /*printw("An error has ocurred no input file was given.\n");*/ return 1; } mazeFile = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (mazeFile == NULL) { /*printw("Error in opening the file.\n");*/ return 1; } fgets(shold, 2, mazeFile); while ( feof(mazeFile) == 0 ) { switch(shold[0]) { case 'M': /* read array values, dynamically allocate array */ fscanf(mazeFile, "%3u %3u", &row, &col); maze = (char**)malloc(row * 8); /* */ for(i = (unsigned) 0; i < row; i++) { if (maze==NULL) { break; } maze[i] = malloc(col * 8); } for (x = (unsigned) 0; x < row; x++) { for (j = (unsigned) 0; j < col; j++) { fscanf(mazeFile, "%c", &maze[x][j]); if (maze[x][j] == '\n') { fscanf(mazeFile, "%c", &maze[x][j]); } } } break; case 'P': fscanf(mazeFile, "%3u %3u", &k, &l); /* check maze bounds */ if(k>= row || l>= col){ break; } maze[k][l] = 'P'; break; case 'Z': fscanf(mazeFile, "%3u %3u", &k, &l); /* check maze bounds */ if(k>= row || l>= col){ break; } maze[k][l] = 'Z'; break; case 'T': fscanf(mazeFile, "%3u %3u", &k, &l); /* check maze bounds */ if(k>= row || l>= col){ break; } maze[k][l] = 'T'; break; default: break; }; fgets(shold, 2, mazeFile); if (feof(mazeFile) != 0) { break; } } rowLimit = row; colLimit = col; fclose(mazeFile); /* LDRA_EXCLUDE 170 S FALSE POSITIVE -- needed for ncurses */ W = initscr(); /* Determine terminal type and initialize curses data structures */ /* LDRA_EXCLUDE 170 S FALSE POSITIVE -- needed for ncurses */ start_color(); /* Enable use of color with ncurses */ /* LDRA_EXCLUDE 170 S FALSE POSITIVE -- needed for ncurses */ cbreak(); /* Disable line buffering and make char inputs immediately accessible to program */ /* LDRA_EXCLUDE 170 S FALSE POSITIVE -- needed for ncurses */ noecho(); /* Disable echo printing of chars type by user */ if (W == NULL) { return 0; } nodelay(W, true); /* Make getch( ) a non-blocking call */ keypad(W, true); /* Enable keypad and arrow keys */ curs_set(0); /* Set cursor to be invisible - 0 */ getmaxyx(W, rowLimit, colLimit); /* Query terminal dimensions */ /* Define color pallete foreground-background color pairs */ /* PairID#, Foreground Color, Background Color */ /* Foreground color == Background color ==> solid color block */ init_pair(1, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK); /* Black text on Black background */ init_pair(2, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_GREEN); /* Red text on Black background */ init_pair(3, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE); /* White text on Blue background */ init_pair(4, COLOR_RED, COLOR_RED); /* Yellow text on Yellow background */ init_pair(5, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); /* Yellow text on Yellow background */ for (c1 =(unsigned)0; c1 < row; c1++) { /*printw ("\n");*/ for (c2=(unsigned)0; c2 < col; c2++) { if (maze==NULL) { break; } switch(maze[c1][c2]) { case '#': /* read array values, dynamically allocate array*/ attron(COLOR_PAIR(2)); wmove(W, c1,c2); waddch(W,'#'); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(2)); break; case ' ': wmove(W, c1,c2); waddch(W,' '); break; case 'P': wmove(W, c1,c2); waddch(W,'P'); prow=c1; pcol=c2; break; case 'Z': attron(COLOR_PAIR(4)); wmove(W, c1,c2); waddch(W,'Z'); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(4)); break; case 'T': attron(COLOR_PAIR(5)); wmove(W, c1,c2); waddch(W,'T'); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(5)); break; default: break; }; } } deltaRow =0; deltaCol =0; do{ int kb = wgetch(W); /* Grab keypress */ /* Support player movement via WASD, IJKL, and arrow keys */ if (kb == (int)'a' || kb == (int)'j' || kb == KEY_LEFT) { /* Move Left */ deltaRow =0; deltaCol =-1; } else if (kb == (int)'d' || kb == (int)'l' || kb == KEY_RIGHT) { /* Move Right */ deltaRow =0; deltaCol =1; } else if (kb == (int)'w' || kb == (int)'i' || kb == KEY_UP) { /* Move Up */ deltaRow =-1; deltaCol =0; } else if (kb == (int)'s' || kb == (int)'k' || kb == KEY_DOWN) { /* Move Down */ deltaRow =1; deltaCol =0; } else if (kb == (int)'q') { /* q to exit player movement loop */ break; }; attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); wmove(W,prow,pcol); waddch(W, 'P'); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(1)); if(((prow + (unsigned int)deltaRow) > row) || ((pcol + (unsigned int)deltaCol) > col)){ deltaRow = 0; deltaCol = 0; } if(maze[((int)prow + deltaRow)][((int)pcol + deltaCol)] == '#'){ prow = prow; pcol = pcol; } else{ prow = prow + (unsigned int)deltaRow; pcol = pcol + (unsigned int)deltaCol; } if(maze[prow][pcol] == 'T') { maze[prow][pcol] = ' '; score++; } if(maze[prow][pcol] == 'Z') { break; } attron(COLOR_PAIR(3)); wmove(W,prow,pcol); waddch(W, 'P'); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(3)); deltaRow =0; deltaCol =0; wrefresh(W); /* Refresh ncurses window */ } while (true); /* Repeat until user selects q to quit */ /* free the memory */ for(y = (unsigned)0; y < row; y++) { free(maze[y]); maze[y] = NULL; } if(maze != NULL){ free(maze); } /*printw("\n");*/ endwin(); printf("Score = %u\n", score); return 0; }