{{- $version := split hugo.Version "." }} {{- $major := int (index $version 0) }} {{- $minor := int (index $version 1) }} {{- $context := .context }} {{- $color := .color | default "" }} {{- $content := .content }} {{- $style := .style | default "default" }} {{- if and (not $color) (eq (len $color) 0) }} {{- $style = .style | default "transparent" }} {{- end }} {{- $title := .title | default ($style | T) | default ("Attachments-label" | T) }} {{- $title = trim $title " " }} {{- $icon := .icon | default "" }} {{- if and (not $icon) (eq (len $icon) 0) }} {{- $icon = "paperclip" }} {{- if eq $style "info" }}{{ $icon = default "info-circle" }}{{ end }} {{- if eq $style "warning" }}{{ $icon = default "exclamation-triangle" }}{{ end }} {{- if eq $style "note" }}{{ $icon = default "exclamation-circle" }}{{ end }} {{- if eq $style "tip" }}{{ $icon = default "lightbulb" }}{{ end }} {{- end }} {{- $icon = trim $icon " " }} {{- if and $icon (not (findRE ".*?\\bfa-\\w.*?" $icon)) }} {{- $icon = printf "fa-fw fas fa-%s" $icon }} {{- end }} {{- $sort := .sort | default "asc" }} {{- $pattern := .pattern | default "" }} {{- $defaultUrlPrefix := strings.TrimRight "/" $context.RelPermalink }} {{- if .IsTranslated -}} {{- $defaultLanguage := (index $context.Site.Home.AllTranslations 0).Lang }} {{- $defaultLanguagePage := index (where $context.AllTranslations "Language.Lang" $defaultLanguage) 0 }} {{- $defaultUrlPrefix = strings.TrimRight "/" $defaultLanguagePage.RelPermalink }} {{- end }} {{- $urlPrefix := strings.TrimRight "/" $context.RelPermalink }} {{- with $context }} {{- if ne .BundleType "leaf" }} {{- if or (and (eq $major 0) (ge $minor 112)) (gt $major 0) }} {{- warnf "%q: UNSUPPORTED usage of 'attachments' shortcode found while using Hugo >= 0.112.0, use a leaf bundle instead; see https://mcshelby.github.io/hugo-theme-relearn/shortcodes/attachments/index.html#single-language" $context.File.Path }} {{- else }} {{- warnf "%q: DEPRECATED usage of 'attachments' shortcode found which will not be compatible while using Hugo >= 0.112.0, use a leaf bundle instead; see https://mcshelby.github.io/hugo-theme-relearn/shortcodes/attachments/index.html#single-language" $context.File.Path }} {{- end }} {{- end }}
{{ if $icon }}{{ end }}{{ if and $icon $title }} {{ end }}{{ $title | .RenderString }}
{{- $content }}
{{- end }}