Command Lists

Command lists are for executing commands in sequence and getting notifications from them.

The top-level object key can be anything you want.

key description type required
order Defines the sequence of commands to execute []string yes
notifications The notification IDs to use on success and failure []string no
name Optional name of the list string no
cron Time at which to schedule the list. string no


The order is an array of commands to execute in order. Each command must be defined.


An array of notification IDs to use on success and failure. Must match any of the notifications object map keys.


Name is optional for logging. If name is not defined, name will be the object’s map key.

Cron mode

Backy also has a cron mode, so one can run backy cron and start a process that schedules jobs to run at times defined in the configuration file.

Adding cron: 0 0 1 * * * to a cmd-configs object will schedule the list at 1 in the morning. See for reference.


Note: Backy uses the second field of cron, so add anything except * to the beginning of a regular cron expression.

  cmds-to-run: # this can be any name you want
    # all commands have to be defined
      - stop-docker-container
      - backup-docker-container-script
      - shell-cmd
      - hostname
      - matrix
    name: backup-some-server
    cron: "0 0 1 * * *"
    name: hostname
      - hostname
      - prod-email