# Backy - an application to manage backups This app is in development, and is currently not stable. Expect core functionality to possiblly break. ## Installing To install: `go install git.andrewnw.xyz/CyberShell/backy@master` This assumes you already have a working Go environment, if not please see [this page](https://golang.org/doc/install) first. You can also download binaries [here](https://git.andrewnw.xyz/CyberShell/backy/releases) and [here](https://github.com/CybersShell/backy/releases). ## Features - Allows easy configuration of executable commands - Allows for commands to be run on many hosts over SSH - Commands can be grouped in list to run in specific order - Notifications on completion and failure - Run in cron mode - For any command, especially backup commands To run a config: `backy backup` Or to use a specific file: ```backy backup -f /path/to/file``` If you leave the config path blank, the following paths will be searched in order: - `./backy.yml` - `./backy.yaml` - `~/.config/backy.yml` - `~/.config/backy.yaml` Create a file at `~/.config/backy.yml`. See the config file in the examples directory to configure it.