package backy import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "os" "path" "strings" "" vault "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var homeDir string var homeDirErr error var backyHomeConfDir string var configFiles []string func (opts *ConfigOpts) InitConfig() { homeDir, homeDirErr = os.UserHomeDir() if homeDirErr != nil { fmt.Println(homeDirErr) } backyHomeConfDir = homeDir + "/.config/backy/" configFiles = []string{"./backy.yml", "./backy.yaml", backyHomeConfDir + "backy.yml", backyHomeConfDir + "backy.yaml"} backyKoanf := koanf.New(".") opts.ConfigFilePath = strings.TrimSpace(opts.ConfigFilePath) if opts.ConfigFilePath != "" { err := testFile(opts.ConfigFilePath) if err != nil { logging.ExitWithMSG(fmt.Sprintf("Could not open config file %s: %v", opts.ConfigFilePath, err), 1, nil) } if err := backyKoanf.Load(file.Provider(opts.ConfigFilePath), yaml.Parser()); err != nil { logging.ExitWithMSG(fmt.Sprintf("error loading config: %v", err), 1, &opts.Logger) } } else { cFileFalures := 0 for _, c := range configFiles { if err := backyKoanf.Load(file.Provider(c), yaml.Parser()); err != nil { cFileFalures++ } else { opts.ConfigFilePath = c break } } if cFileFalures == len(configFiles) { logging.ExitWithMSG(fmt.Sprintf("could not find a config file. Put one in the following paths: %v", configFiles), 1, &opts.Logger) } } opts.koanf = backyKoanf } // ReadConfig validates and reads the config file. func ReadConfig(opts *ConfigOpts) *ConfigOpts { if isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) { os.Setenv("BACKY_TERM", "enabled") } else if isatty.IsCygwinTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) { os.Setenv("BACKY_TERM", "enabled") } else { os.Setenv("BACKY_TERM", "disabled") } backyKoanf := opts.koanf opts.loadEnv() if backyKoanf.Bool(getNestedConfig("logging", "cmd-std-out")) { os.Setenv("BACKY_STDOUT", "enabled") } CheckConfigValues(backyKoanf, opts.ConfigFilePath) for _, c := range opts.executeCmds { if !backyKoanf.Exists(getCmdFromConfig(c)) { logging.ExitWithMSG(Sprintf("command %s is not in config file %s", c, opts.ConfigFilePath), 1, nil) } } for _, l := range opts.executeLists { if !backyKoanf.Exists(getCmdListFromConfig(l)) { logging.ExitWithMSG(Sprintf("list %s not found", l), 1, nil) } } var ( verbose bool logFile string ) verbose = backyKoanf.Bool(getLoggingKeyFromConfig("verbose")) logFile = fmt.Sprintf("%s/backy.log", path.Dir(opts.ConfigFilePath)) if backyKoanf.Exists(getLoggingKeyFromConfig("file")) { logFile = backyKoanf.String(getLoggingKeyFromConfig("file")) } zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.InfoLevel) if verbose { zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.DebugLevel) globalLvl := zerolog.GlobalLevel() os.Setenv("BACKY_LOGLEVEL", Sprintf("%v", globalLvl)) } consoleLoggingDisabled := backyKoanf.Bool(getLoggingKeyFromConfig("console-disabled")) os.Setenv("BACKY_CONSOLE_LOGGING", "enabled") // Other qualifiers can go here as well if consoleLoggingDisabled { os.Setenv("BACKY_CONSOLE_LOGGING", "") } writers := logging.SetLoggingWriters(logFile) log := zerolog.New(writers).With().Timestamp().Logger() opts.Logger = log log.Info().Str("config file", opts.ConfigFilePath).Send() unmarshalErr := backyKoanf.UnmarshalWithConf("commands", &opts.Cmds, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "yaml"}) if unmarshalErr != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling cmds struct: %w", unmarshalErr)) } for cmdName, cmdConf := range opts.Cmds { envFileErr := testFile(cmdConf.Env) if envFileErr != nil { opts.Logger.Info().Str("cmd", cmdName).Err(envFileErr).Send() os.Exit(1) } expandEnvVars(opts.backyEnv, cmdConf.Environment) } unmarshalErr = backyKoanf.UnmarshalWithConf("hosts", &opts.Hosts, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "yaml"}) if unmarshalErr != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling hosts struct: %w", unmarshalErr)) } for hostConfigName, host := range opts.Hosts { if host.Host == "" { host.Host = hostConfigName } if host.ProxyJump != "" { proxyHosts := strings.Split(host.ProxyJump, ",") if len(proxyHosts) > 1 { for hostNum, h := range proxyHosts { if hostNum > 1 { proxyHost, defined := opts.Hosts[h] if defined { host.ProxyHost = append(host.ProxyHost, proxyHost) } else { newProxy := &Host{Host: h} host.ProxyHost = append(host.ProxyHost, newProxy) } } else { proxyHost, defined := opts.Hosts[h] if defined { host.ProxyHost = append(host.ProxyHost, proxyHost) } else { newHost := &Host{Host: h} host.ProxyHost = append(host.ProxyHost, newHost) } } } } else { proxyHost, defined := opts.Hosts[proxyHosts[0]] if defined { host.ProxyHost = append(host.ProxyHost, proxyHost) } else { newProxy := &Host{Host: proxyHosts[0]} host.ProxyHost = append(host.ProxyHost, newProxy) } } } } if backyKoanf.Exists("cmd-lists") { unmarshalErr = backyKoanf.UnmarshalWithConf("cmd-lists", &opts.CmdConfigLists, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "yaml"}) if unmarshalErr != nil { logging.ExitWithMSG((fmt.Sprintf("error unmarshalling cmd list struct: %v", unmarshalErr)), 1, &opts.Logger) } } var cmdNotFoundSliceErr []error for cmdListName, cmdList := range opts.CmdConfigLists { if opts.useCron { cron := strings.TrimSpace(cmdList.Cron) if cron == "" { delete(opts.CmdConfigLists, cmdListName) } } for _, cmdInList := range cmdList.Order { _, cmdNameFound := opts.Cmds[cmdInList] if !cmdNameFound { cmdNotFoundStr := fmt.Sprintf("command %s in list %s is not defined in commands section in config file", cmdInList, cmdListName) cmdNotFoundErr := errors.New(cmdNotFoundStr) cmdNotFoundSliceErr = append(cmdNotFoundSliceErr, cmdNotFoundErr) } } } if len(cmdNotFoundSliceErr) > 0 { var cmdNotFoundErrorLog = log.Fatal() cmdNotFoundErrorLog.Errs("commands not found", cmdNotFoundSliceErr).Send() } if opts.useCron && (len(opts.CmdConfigLists) == 0) { logging.ExitWithMSG("No cron fields detected in any command lists", 1, nil) } for c := range opts.Cmds { if opts.executeCmds != nil && !contains(opts.executeCmds, c) { delete(opts.Cmds, c) } } if len(opts.executeLists) > 0 { for l := range opts.CmdConfigLists { if !contains(opts.executeLists, l) { delete(opts.CmdConfigLists, l) } } } if backyKoanf.Exists("notifications") { unmarshalErr = backyKoanf.UnmarshalWithConf("notifications", &opts.NotificationConf, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "yaml"}) if unmarshalErr != nil { fmt.Printf("error unmarshalling notifications object: %v", unmarshalErr) } } for _, cmd := range opts.Cmds { if cmd.Host != nil { host, hostFound := opts.Hosts[*cmd.Host] if hostFound { cmd.RemoteHost = host cmd.RemoteHost.Host = host.Host if host.HostName != "" { cmd.RemoteHost.HostName = host.HostName } } else { opts.Hosts[*cmd.Host] = &Host{Host: *cmd.Host} cmd.RemoteHost = &Host{Host: *cmd.Host} } } } opts.SetupNotify() if err := opts.setupVault(); err != nil { log.Err(err).Send() } return opts } func getNestedConfig(nestedConfig, key string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", nestedConfig, key) } func getCmdFromConfig(key string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("commands.%s", key) } func getLoggingKeyFromConfig(key string) string { if key == "" { return "logging" } return fmt.Sprintf("logging.%s", key) } func getCmdListFromConfig(list string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("cmd-lists.%s", list) } func (opts *ConfigOpts) setupVault() error { if !opts.koanf.Bool("vault.enabled") { return nil } config := vault.DefaultConfig() config.Address = opts.koanf.String("vault.address") if strings.TrimSpace(config.Address) == "" { config.Address = os.Getenv("VAULT_ADDR") } client, err := vault.NewClient(config) if err != nil { return err } token := opts.koanf.String("vault.token") if strings.TrimSpace(token) == "" { token = os.Getenv("VAULT_TOKEN") } if strings.TrimSpace(token) == "" { return fmt.Errorf("no token found, but one was required. \n\nSet the config key vault.token or the environment variable VAULT_TOKEN") } client.SetToken(token) unmarshalErr := opts.koanf.UnmarshalWithConf("vault.keys", &opts.VaultKeys, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "yaml"}) if unmarshalErr != nil { logging.ExitWithMSG(fmt.Sprintf("error unmarshalling vault.keys into struct: %v", unmarshalErr), 1, &opts.Logger) } opts.vaultClient = client return nil } func getVaultSecret(vaultClient *vault.Client, key *VaultKey) (string, error) { var ( secret *vault.KVSecret err error ) if key.ValueType == "KVv2" { secret, err = vaultClient.KVv2(key.MountPath).Get(context.Background(), key.Path) } else if key.ValueType == "KVv1" { secret, err = vaultClient.KVv1(key.MountPath).Get(context.Background(), key.Path) } else if key.ValueType != "" { return "", fmt.Errorf("type %s for key %s not known. Valid types are KVv1 or KVv2", key.ValueType, key.Name) } else { return "", fmt.Errorf("type for key %s must be specified. Valid types are KVv1 or KVv2", key.Name) } if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to read secret: %v", err) } value, ok := secret.Data[key.Name].(string) if !ok { return "", fmt.Errorf("value type assertion failed: %T %#v", secret.Data[key.Name], secret.Data[key.Name]) } return value, nil } func isVaultKey(str string) (string, bool) { str = strings.TrimSpace(str) return strings.TrimPrefix(str, "vault:"), strings.HasPrefix(str, "vault:") } func parseVaultKey(str string, keys []*VaultKey) (*VaultKey, error) { keyName, isKey := isVaultKey(str) if !isKey { return nil, nil } for _, k := range keys { if k.Name == keyName { return k, nil } } return nil, fmt.Errorf("key %s not found in vault keys", keyName) } func GetVaultKey(str string, opts *ConfigOpts, log zerolog.Logger) string { key, err := parseVaultKey(str, opts.VaultKeys) if key == nil && err == nil { return str } if err != nil && key == nil { log.Err(err).Send() return "" } value, secretErr := getVaultSecret(opts.vaultClient, key) if secretErr != nil { log.Err(secretErr).Send() return value } return value }