// dtp-app.js // Copyright (C) 2022 DTP Technologies, LLC // License: Apache-2.0 'use strict'; import { Upload } from 'upload'; import DtpLog from './dtp-log'; import DtpSocket from './dtp-socket'; import DtpDisplayEngine from './dtp-display-engine'; export default class DtpApp { constructor (component, user) { this.user = user; this.log = new DtpLog(component); this.log.debug('constructor', 'creating DisplayEngine instance'); this.displayEngine = new DtpDisplayEngine(); this.updateTimestamps(); } async connect (options) { try { this.log.debug('connect', 'creating WebSocket interface'); this.socket = new DtpSocket(); this.log.debug('connect', 'connecting WebSocket platform'); await this.socket.connect(options); this.log.info('connect', 'DTP framework online'); } catch (error) { this.log.error('connect', 'failed to connect', { error }); UIkit.modal.alert(`Failed to connect to server: ${error.message}`); } } async showForm (event, formUrl) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); try { const response = await fetch(formUrl, { method: 'GET' }); const html = await response.text(); this.currentModal = UIkit.modal.dialog(html); } catch (error) { UIkit.modal.alert(`Failed to display form: ${error.message}`); } return true; } async submitForm (event, userAction) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); try { const formElement = event.currentTarget || event.target; const form = new FormData(formElement); // include the submitter if we have one and it presents all required data if (event.submitter && event.submitter.name && event.submitter.value) { form.append(event.submitter.name, event.submitter.value); } this.log.info('submitForm', userAction, { event, action: formElement.action }); const response = await fetch(formElement.action, { method: formElement.method, body: form, }); if (!response.ok) { let json; try { json = await response.json(); } catch (error) { throw new Error('Server error'); } throw new Error(json.message || 'Server error'); } await this.processResponse(response); } catch (error) { UIkit.modal.alert(`Failed to ${userAction}: ${error.message}`); } finally { if (this.currentModal) { this.currentModal.hide(); delete this.currentModal; } } return; } async submitFormWithProgress (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const formElement = event.currentTarget || event.target; const form = new FormData(formElement); const progressDialog = document.querySelector(formElement.getAttribute('data-progress-dialog') || '#upload-progress-dialog'); const progressBar = document.querySelector(formElement.getAttribute('data-progress-element') || 'progress#upload-progress'); const progressPrompt = document.querySelector(formElement.getAttribute('data-progress-prompt') || '#upload-progress-prompt'); const upload = new Upload({ url: formElement.getAttribute('action'), form, }); upload.on('progress', (progress) => { this.log.info('submitSemitism', 'upload progress', { progress }); progressBar.value = Math.round(progress * 100.0); }); progressDialog.removeAttribute('hidden'); const response = await upload.upload(); progressPrompt.textContent = 'Upload complete...'; this.log.info('submitSemitism', 'upload response', { response }); const json = JSON.parse(response.data); await this.processResponseJSON(json); return true; } async processResponse (response) { const json = await response.json(); return this.processResponseJSON(json); } async processResponseJSON (json) { if (!json.success) { this.log.error('processResponse', json.message); throw new Error(json.message); } if (json.displayList) { this.displayEngine.executeDisplayList(json.displayList); } } async validateTextElement (element, elementName, options) { const DEFAULT_MAX_CHARS = 1000; const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { maxLength: DEFAULT_MAX_CHARS, minLength: 1, warnLengths: [80, 150], feedback: { textEmpty: `The ${elementName} can't be empty`, textTooShort: "Keep going...", textValid: "You're off to a great start!", textLengthWarn: [ "This is getting a little crazy", `Only ${Math.max(0, options.maxLength - element.value.length)} characters left`, ], textMaxLength: `The ${elementName} is as long as it can be.`, textTooLong: `${elementName} is too long by ${element.value.length - options.maxLength} characters`, } }; options = Object.assign(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options); if (options.prompt) { options.prompt.textContent = `${element.value.length} of ${options.maxLength} max`; } let isValid = true; if (element.value.length === 0 || element.value.length > options.maxLength) { element.classList.remove('uk-form-success'); element.classList.remove('uk-form-warning'); element.classList.add('uk-form-danger'); isValid = false; } else if (element.value.length > options.warnLengths[1]) { element.classList.remove('uk-form-success'); element.classList.remove('uk-form-danger'); element.classList.add('uk-form-warning'); } else { element.classList.remove('uk-form-danger'); element.classList.remove('uk-form-warning'); element.classList.remove('uk-form-success'); } if (element.value.length === 0) { window.dtp.submit.prompt.textContent = options.feedback.textEmpty; isValid = false; } else if (options.minLength && (element.value.length < options.minLength)) { window.dtp.submit.prompt.textContent = options.feedback.textTooShort; isValid = false; } else if (element.value.length < options.warnLengths[0]) { window.dtp.submit.prompt.textContent = options.feedback.textValid; } else if (element.value.length < options.warnLengths[1]) { window.dtp.submit.prompt.textContent = options.feedback.textLengthWarn[0]; } else if (element.value.length < options.maxLength) { window.dtp.submit.prompt.textContent = options.feedback.textLengthWarn[1]; window.dtp.submit.prompt.classList.add('uk-text-bold'); } else if (element.value.length === options.maxLength) { window.dtp.submit.prompt.textContent = options.feedback.textMaxLength; window.dtp.submit.prompt.classList.add('uk-text-bold'); } else { window.dtp.submit.prompt.textContent = options.feedback.textTooLong; window.dtp.submit.prompt.classList.add('uk-text-bold'); isValid = false; } return isValid; } /** * Finds every element with the `data-dtp-timestamp` attribute, and sets the * text content of that element to the client-local representation of that * timestamp using the formatting provided by the `data-dtp-timestamp-format` * attribute. */ updateTimestamps ( ) { const nodeList = document.querySelectorAll("[data-dtp-timestamp]"); for (const ts of nodeList) { const date = ts.getAttribute('data-dtp-timestamp'); if (!date) { continue; } const format = ts.getAttribute('data-dtp-timestamp-format'); switch (format) { case 'date': ts.textContent = moment(date).format('MMM DD, YYYY'); break; case 'datetime': ts.textContent = moment(date).format('MMMM D, h:mm a'); break; case 'fuzzy': ts.textContent = moment(date).fromNow(); break; case 'timestamp': default: ts.textContent = moment(date).format('hh:mm:ss a'); break; } } } }