extends ../layouts/main block content div(uk-grid).uk-flex-middle .uk-width-expand h1.margin-remove Tokens section.uk-section.uk-section-default.uk-section-xsmall .uk-container .uk-text-small h4 This is where you will regenerate OTP tokens for your admin account and destroy your old OTP account. //- .uk-width-auto button( type="button", data-user= user._id, onclick="return dtp.adminApp.generateOTPTokens(event);", ).uk-button.dtp-button-danger +renderButtonIcon('fa-repeat', 'Generate OTP Tokens') //- regenerate route should set this so tokens can be viewed once. if otpRegen section.uk-section.uk-section-default.uk-section-xsmall .uk-container h3 You should save these tokens in a safe place. This is the only time you will see them. p These tokens should be saved in a safe place so you can get into your account should you lose your 2FA device each token of tokens ul.uk-list.uk-list-divider li .uk-text-small= token.token