// announcement.js // Copyright (C) 2022 DTP Technologies, LLC // License: Apache-2.0 'use strict'; const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const Announcement = mongoose.model('Announcement'); const { SiteService } = require('../../lib/site-lib'); class AnnouncementService extends SiteService { constructor (dtp) { super(dtp, module.exports); } async create (announcementDefinition) { const NOW = new Date(); const { coreNode: coreNodeService } = this.dtp.services; const announcement = new Announcement(); announcement.created = NOW; announcement.title = { icon: { class: announcementDefinition.titleIconClass, color: announcementDefinition.titleIconColor, }, content: announcementDefinition.titleContent, }; announcement.content = announcementDefinition.content.trim(); await announcement.save(); /* * Broadcast the Announcement to your DTP Constellation. */ const announcementHref = coreNodeService.getLocalUrl(`/announcement/${announcement._id}`); await coreNodeService.sendKaleidoscopeEvent({ action: 'announcement', label: announcement.title.content, content: announcement.content, href: announcementHref, }); return announcement.toObject(); } async update (announcement, announcementDefinition) { await Announcement.updateOne( { _id: announcement._id }, { $set: { title: { icon: { class: announcementDefinition.titleIconClass, color: announcementDefinition.titleIconColor, }, content: announcementDefinition.titleContent, }, content: announcementDefinition.content.trim(), }, }, ); } async getLatest (user) { const { user: userService } = this.dtp.services; let announcements = [ ]; if (user) { const search = { }; if (user.lastAnnouncement) { search.created = { $gt: user.lastAnnouncement }; } announcements = await Announcement .find(search) .sort({ created: -1 }) .limit(1) .lean(); if (announcements && (announcements.length > 0)) { await userService.setLastAnnouncement(user, announcements[0]); } } else { announcements = await Announcement .find() .sort({ created: -1 }) .limit(1) .lean(); } return announcements; } async getById (announcementId) { const announcement = await Announcement.findById(announcementId); return announcement; } async getAnnouncements (pagination) { const announcements = await Announcement .find() .sort({ created: -1 }) .skip(pagination.skip) .limit(pagination.cpp) .lean(); return announcements; } async remove (announcement) { const { comment: commentService } = this.dtp.services; await commentService.deleteForResource(announcement); await Announcement.deleteOne({ _id: announcement._id }); } } module.exports = { slug: 'announcement', name: 'announcement', className: 'AnnouncementService', create: (dtp) => { return new AnnouncementService(dtp); }, };