extends ../layouts/main block content include ../user/components/list-item form(method="POST", action=`/admin/user/local/${image.owner._id}/archive`).uk-form input(type="hidden", name="userId", value= image.owner._id) .uk-card.uk-card-default.uk-card-small .uk-card-header h1.uk-card-title Archive Local User .uk-card-body p This action will pull all images from storage into an archive file, place the archive file on storage, delete all the image records and storage data, then ban the User. The archive is produced first because images would be deleted during the ban. So, the archive is made, then the user is banned. p These are the #{numeral(imageHistory.length).format('0,0')} most recent images uploaded by #{image.owner.username}. div(uk-grid) each image in imageHistory .uk-width-medium .uk-margin-small(uk-lightbox) a(href=`/image/${image._id}`, data-type="image", data-caption=`id: ${image._id}`) div img(src= `/image/${image._id}`).responsive .uk-card-footer.uk-flex.uk-flex-middle .uk-width-expand +renderBackButton() .uk-width-auto button(type="submit").uk-button.uk-button-danger.uk-border-rounded Archive User