extends ../layouts/main block vendorcss link(rel='stylesheet', href=`/cropperjs/cropper.min.css?v=${pkg.version}`) block vendorjs script(src=`/cropperjs/cropper.min.js?v=${pkg.version}`) block content include ../../components/file-upload-image - var actionUrl = post ? `/admin/post/${post._id}` : `/admin/post`; form(method="POST", action= actionUrl).uk-form div(uk-grid).uk-grid-small div(class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-2-3@m") .uk-margin label(for="content").uk-form-label Post body textarea(id="content", name="content", rows="4").uk-textarea= post ? post.content : undefined div(class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-1-3@m") .uk-margin label(for="title").uk-form-label Post title input(id="title", name="title", type="text", placeholder= "Enter post title", value= post ? post.title : undefined).uk-input .uk-margin label(for="slug").uk-form-label URL slug - var postSlug; if (post) { postSlug = post.slug.split('-'); postSlug.pop(); postSlug = postSlug.join('-'); } input(id="slug", name="slug", type="text", placeholder= "Enter post URL slug", value= post ? postSlug : undefined).uk-input .uk-text-small The slug is used in the link to the page https://#{site.domain}/post/#{post ? post.slug : 'your-slug-here'} .uk-margin label(for="summary").uk-form-label Post summary textarea(id="summary", name="summary", rows="4", placeholder= "Enter post summary (text only, no HTML)").uk-textarea= post ? post.summary : undefined div(uk-grid) .uk-width-auto button(type="submit").uk-button.dtp-button-primary= post ? 'Update post' : 'Create post' .uk-margin label(for="status").uk-form-label Status select(id="status", name="status").uk-select option(value="draft", selected= post ? post.status === 'draft' : true) Draft option(value="published", selected= post ? post.status === 'published' : false) Published option(value="archived", selected= post ? post.status === 'archived' : false) Archived .uk-margin div(uk-grid).uk-grid-small .uk-width-auto label input(id="enable-comments", name="enableComments", type="checkbox", checked= post ? post.flags.enableComments : true).uk-checkbox | Enable comments .uk-width-auto label input(id="is-featured", name="isFeatured", type="checkbox", checked= post ? post.flags.isFeatured : false).uk-checkbox | Featured if post .uk-margin label(for="post-image-file").uk-form-label Feature Image +renderFileUploadImage( `/admin/post/${post._id}/image`, 'post-image-upload', 'post-image-file', 'responsive', `/img/default-poster.jpg`, post.image, { aspectRatio: 16 / 9 }, ) block viewjs script(src="/tinymce/tinymce.min.js") script. window.addEventListener('dtp-load', async ( ) => { const toolbarItems = [ 'undo redo', 'formatselect visualblocks', 'bold italic backcolor', 'alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify', 'bullist numlist outdent indent removeformat', 'link image code', 'help' ]; const pluginItems = [ 'advlist', 'autolink', 'lists', 'link', 'image', 'charmap', 'print', 'preview', 'anchor', 'searchreplace', 'visualblocks', 'code', 'fullscreen', 'insertdatetime', 'media', 'table', 'paste', 'code', 'help', 'wordcount', ] const editors = await tinymce.init({ selector: 'textarea#content', height: 500, menubar: false, plugins: pluginItems.join(' '), toolbar: toolbarItems.join('|'), branding: false, images_upload_url: '/image/tinymce', image_class_list: [ { title: 'Body Image', value: 'dtp-image-body' }, { title: 'Title Image', value: 'dtp-image-title' }, ], convert_urls: false, skin: "oxide-dark", content_css: "dark", }); window.dtp.app.editor = editors[0]; });