mixin renderPageSidebar ( ) //- Gab TV 3 Most Recent Episodes if gabTvChannel .uk-margin +renderSectionTitle('Gab TV', { label: 'Visit Channel', title: gabTvChannel.title, url: gabTvChannel.home_page_url, }) ul.uk-list each episode in gabTvChannel.items.slice(0, 3) li +renderSidebarEpisode(episode) //- Newsletter Signup div(uk-sticky={ offset: 60, bottom: '#dtp-content-grid' }, style="z-index: initial;") +renderSectionTitle('Mailing List') .uk-margin form(method="post", action="/newsletter", onsubmit="return dtp.app.submitForm(event, 'Subscribe to newsletter');").uk-form .uk-card.uk-card-secondary.uk-card-small .uk-card-body p Join the #{site.name} FREE newsletter to get news and updates in your inbox. .uk-margin label(for="email").uk-form-label.sr-only Email Address input(id="email", name="email", type="email", placeholder="johnsmith@example.com").uk-input .uk-card-footer button(type="submit").uk-button.dtp-button-primary.uk-button-small Sign Up (Coming Soon!) .uk-margin +renderSectionTitle('Widget', { label: 'Sample URL', title: 'Sample URL Title', url: 'https://shing.tv', }) p This would be your widget content if your page even has a sidebar and that sidebar has widgets.