extends ../layouts/main block content include ../comment/components/comment section.uk-section.uk-section-default .uk-container h1= user.displayName || user.username || user.email p People don't have public profiles on #[+renderSiteLink()]. You must be logged in to view your profile. And, only you can view your profile. p Your profile is where you edit your account settings, configure your commenting defaults, and otherwise manage how you use #[+renderSiteLink()]. section.uk-section.uk-section-default .uk-container .uk-margin +renderSectionTitle('Comment History') if Array.isArray(commentHistory) && (commentHistory.length > 0) ul.uk-list.uk-list-divider each comment in commentHistory li .uk-margin-small .uk-text-small commenting on #[a(href=`/post/${comment.resource.slug}?comment=${comment._id}#featured-comment`)= comment.resource.title] +renderComment(comment) else div You haven't written any comments on posts.