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2022-08-28 21:12:16 +00:00
// bstree.h 2010 Fall CPE 212 - Project05 - Binary Search Tree Template
// Provides a declaration of the BSTree class template.
#ifndef BSTREE_H
#define BSTREE_H
#include <cstddef>
#include <new>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class FullBSTree // Exception class models full BSTree condition
/* No code here */
class EmptyBSTree // Exception class models empty BSTree condition
/* No code here */
class NotFoundBSTree // Exception class models not found in BSTree condition
/* No code here */
class FoundInBSTree // Exception class models found in BSTree condition
/* No code here */
template <typename SomeType>
struct BSTreeNode // Node of BSTree
SomeType data; // Data stored in node
BSTreeNode<SomeType>* leftPtr; // Pointer to left subtree
BSTreeNode<SomeType>* rightPtr; // Pointer to right subtree
template <typename SomeType>
class BSTree // BSTree Abstract Data Type
BSTreeNode<SomeType>* rootPtr; // Pointer to root of BSTree
/************** Start of Private Helper Functions You Must Implement ****************/
void Delete(BSTreeNode<SomeType>*& treePtr, SomeType& item);
// Delete()
// Recursive function that traverses the tree starting at treePtr to locate the data value to be removed
// Once located, DeleteNode is invoked to remove the value from the tree
// If tree is not empty and item is NOT present, throw NotFoundBSTree
void DeleteNode(BSTreeNode<SomeType>*& treePtr);
// DeleteNode()
// Removes the node pointed to by treePtr from the tree
// Hint: calls GetPredecessor and Delete
void Insert(BSTreeNode<SomeType>*& ptr, SomeType item);
// Insert()
// Recursive function that finds the correct position of item and adds it to the tree
// Throws FoundInBSTree if item is already in the tree
void Destroy(BSTreeNode<SomeType>*& ptr);
// Destroy()
// Recursively deallocates every node in the tree pointed to by ptr
void CopyTree(BSTreeNode<SomeType>*& copy, const BSTreeNode<SomeType>* originalTree);
// CopyTree()
// Recursively copies all data from original tree into copy
SomeType GetPredecessor(BSTreeNode<SomeType>* treePtr) const;
// GetPredecessor()
// Finds the largest data value in the tree pointed to by treePtr and returns that data value
// as the functions return value
int CountNodes(BSTreeNode<SomeType>* treePtr) const;
// CountNodes()
// Recursive function that counts every node in the tree pointed to by treePtr and returns the
// count as the function return value
int LevelCount(BSTreeNode<SomeType>* treePtr) const;
// LevelCount()
// Recursive function that traverses the entire tree to determine the total number of levels in the tree
int FindLevel(BSTreeNode<SomeType>* treePtr, SomeType item) const;
// FindLevel()
// Recursive function that traverses the tree looking for item and returns the level where
// item was found
/************** End of Private Helper Functions You Must Implement ****************/
/************** Start of Public Interface Functions You Must Implement ****************/
// BSTree()
// Default constructor initializes root pointer to NULL
BSTree(const BSTree<SomeType>& someTree);
// BSTree()
// Copy constructor for BSTree
// Hint: calls CopyTree
void operator=(const BSTree<SomeType>& originalTree);
// operator=()
// Overloaded assignment operator for BSTree.
// Hint: calls CopyTree
// ~BSTree()
// Destructor deallocates all tree nodes
// Hint: calls the private helper function Destroy
void InsertItem(SomeType item);
// InsertItem()
// Inserts item into BSTree; if tree already full, throws FullBSTree exception
// If item is already in BSTree, throw FoundInBSTree exception
// Hint: calls the private helper function Insert
SomeType DeleteItem(SomeType item);
// DeleteItem()
// Deletes item from BSTree if item is present AND returns object via function return value
// If tree is empty, throw the EmptyBSTree exception
// If tree is not empty and item is NOT present, throw NotFoundBSTree
// Hint: calls the private helper function Delete
void MakeEmpty();
// MakeEmpty()
// Deallocates all BSTree nodes and sets root pointer to NULL
// Hint: calls the private helper function Destroy
int Size() const;
// Size()
// Returns total number of data values stored in tree
bool IsFull() const;
// IsFull()
// Returns true if BSTree is full; returns false otherwise
bool IsEmpty() const;
// IsEmpty()
// Returns true if BSTree is empty; returns false otherwise
SomeType Min() const;
// Min()
// Returns minimum value in tree; throws EmptyBSTree if tree is empty
SomeType Max() const;
// Max()
// Returns maximum value in tree; throws EmptyBSTree if tree is empty
int TotalLevels() const;
// TotalLevels()
// Returns the maximum level value for current tree contents
// Levels are numbered 0, 1, ..., N-1. This function returns N
// Throws EmptyBSTree if empty
// Hint: calls the private helper function LevelCount
int Level(SomeType item) const;
// Level()
// Returns the level within the BSTree at which the value item is found
// If tree is empty, throws EmptyBSTree
// If tree is not empty and item is not found, throws NotFoundBSTree
// Hint: calls the private helper funtion FindLevel
/************** End of Functions You Must Implement ****************/
void Print() const; // DO NOT WRITE THIS FUNCTION
// Print()
// Prints binary search tree contents in inorder, preorder, and postorder forms
#include "bstree.cpp" // Note: Template classes cannot be compiled on their own
// since the data type argument is found in the client code.