UAHCode/EE203/Noah Woodlee/BasicGates/simulation/qsim/class1-21-21.vo
2022-08-28 16:12:16 -05:00

273 lines
8.7 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
// and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
// functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
// (including device programming or simulation files), and any
// associated documentation or information are expressly subject
// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
// Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
// the Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other
// applicable license agreement, including, without limitation,
// that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic
// devices manufactured by Intel and sold by Intel or its
// authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
// agreement for further details.
// VENDOR "Altera"
// PROGRAM "Quartus Prime"
// VERSION "Version 16.1.0 Build 196 10/24/2016 SJ Lite Edition"
// DATE "01/21/2021 19:19:22"
// Device: Altera 10M50DAF484C6GES Package FBGA484
// This Verilog file should be used for ModelSim-Altera (Verilog) only
`timescale 1 ps/ 1 ps
module \class1-21-21 (
output out;
input in1;
input in2;
// Design Ports Information
// out => Location: PIN_W8, I/O Standard: 2.5 V, Current Strength: Default
// in1 => Location: PIN_AB4, I/O Standard: 2.5 V, Current Strength: Default
// in2 => Location: PIN_AA3, I/O Standard: 2.5 V, Current Strength: Default
wire gnd;
wire vcc;
wire unknown;
assign gnd = 1'b0;
assign vcc = 1'b1;
assign unknown = 1'bx;
tri1 devclrn;
tri1 devpor;
tri1 devoe;
wire \~QUARTUS_CREATED_GND~I_combout ;
wire \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~~eoc ;
wire \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~~eoc ;
wire \out~output_o ;
wire \in1~input_o ;
wire \in2~input_o ;
wire \inst~combout ;
hard_block auto_generated_inst(
// Location: LCCOMB_X44_Y52_N8
fiftyfivenm_lcell_comb \~QUARTUS_CREATED_GND~I (
// Equation(s):
.combout(\~QUARTUS_CREATED_GND~I_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_GND~I .lut_mask = 16'h0000;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_GND~I .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: IOOBUF_X24_Y0_N2
fiftyfivenm_io_obuf \out~output (
.i(\inst~combout ),
.o(\out~output_o ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \out~output .bus_hold = "false";
defparam \out~output .open_drain_output = "false";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: IOIBUF_X26_Y0_N22
fiftyfivenm_io_ibuf \in1~input (
.o(\in1~input_o ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \in1~input .bus_hold = "false";
defparam \in1~input .listen_to_nsleep_signal = "false";
defparam \in1~input .simulate_z_as = "z";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: IOIBUF_X26_Y0_N29
fiftyfivenm_io_ibuf \in2~input (
.o(\in2~input_o ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \in2~input .bus_hold = "false";
defparam \in2~input .listen_to_nsleep_signal = "false";
defparam \in2~input .simulate_z_as = "z";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LCCOMB_X26_Y1_N0
fiftyfivenm_lcell_comb inst(
// Equation(s):
// \inst~combout = (\in1~input_o & \in2~input_o )
.datac(\in1~input_o ),
.datad(\in2~input_o ),
.combout(\inst~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam inst.lut_mask = 16'hF000;
defparam inst.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: UNVM_X0_Y40_N40
fiftyfivenm_unvm \~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~ (
.nosc_ena(\~QUARTUS_CREATED_GND~I_combout ),
.xe_ye(\~QUARTUS_CREATED_GND~I_combout ),
.se(\~QUARTUS_CREATED_GND~I_combout ),
.busy(\~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~~busy ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~ .addr_range1_end_addr = -1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~ .addr_range1_offset = -1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~ .addr_range2_offset = -1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~ .is_compressed_image = "false";
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~ .is_dual_boot = "false";
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~ .is_eram_skip = "false";
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~ .max_ufm_valid_addr = -1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~ .max_valid_addr = -1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~ .min_ufm_valid_addr = -1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~ .min_valid_addr = -1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~ .part_name = "quartus_created_unvm";
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_UNVM~ .reserve_block = "true";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: ADCBLOCK_X43_Y52_N0
fiftyfivenm_adcblock \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~ (
.soc(\~QUARTUS_CREATED_GND~I_combout ),
.tsen(\~QUARTUS_CREATED_GND~I_combout ),
.eoc(\~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~~eoc ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~ .analog_input_pin_mask = 0;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~ .clkdiv = 1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~ .device_partname_fivechar_prefix = "none";
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~ .is_this_first_or_second_adc = 1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~ .prescalar = 0;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~ .pwd = 1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~ .refsel = 0;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~ .reserve_block = "true";
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~ .testbits = 66;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~ .tsclkdiv = 1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC1~ .tsclksel = 0;
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: ADCBLOCK_X43_Y51_N0
fiftyfivenm_adcblock \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~ (
.soc(\~QUARTUS_CREATED_GND~I_combout ),
.tsen(\~QUARTUS_CREATED_GND~I_combout ),
.eoc(\~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~~eoc ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~ .analog_input_pin_mask = 0;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~ .clkdiv = 1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~ .device_partname_fivechar_prefix = "none";
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~ .is_this_first_or_second_adc = 2;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~ .prescalar = 0;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~ .pwd = 1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~ .refsel = 0;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~ .reserve_block = "true";
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~ .testbits = 66;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~ .tsclkdiv = 1;
defparam \~QUARTUS_CREATED_ADC2~ .tsclksel = 0;
// synopsys translate_on
assign out = \out~output_o ;
module hard_block (
// Design Ports Information
// ~ALTERA_TMS~ => Location: PIN_H2, I/O Standard: 2.5 V Schmitt Trigger, Current Strength: Default
// ~ALTERA_TCK~ => Location: PIN_G2, I/O Standard: 2.5 V Schmitt Trigger, Current Strength: Default
// ~ALTERA_TDI~ => Location: PIN_L4, I/O Standard: 2.5 V Schmitt Trigger, Current Strength: Default
// ~ALTERA_TDO~ => Location: PIN_M5, I/O Standard: 2.5 V, Current Strength: Default
// ~ALTERA_CONFIG_SEL~ => Location: PIN_H10, I/O Standard: 2.5 V, Current Strength: Default
// ~ALTERA_nCONFIG~ => Location: PIN_H9, I/O Standard: 2.5 V Schmitt Trigger, Current Strength: Default
// ~ALTERA_nSTATUS~ => Location: PIN_G9, I/O Standard: 2.5 V Schmitt Trigger, Current Strength: Default
// ~ALTERA_CONF_DONE~ => Location: PIN_F8, I/O Standard: 2.5 V Schmitt Trigger, Current Strength: Default
input devpor;
input devclrn;
input devoe;
wire gnd;
wire vcc;
wire unknown;
assign gnd = 1'b0;
assign vcc = 1'b1;
assign unknown = 1'bx;
wire \~ALTERA_TMS~~padout ;
wire \~ALTERA_TCK~~padout ;
wire \~ALTERA_TDI~~padout ;
wire \~ALTERA_CONFIG_SEL~~padout ;
wire \~ALTERA_nCONFIG~~padout ;
wire \~ALTERA_nSTATUS~~padout ;
wire \~ALTERA_CONF_DONE~~padout ;
wire \~ALTERA_TMS~~ibuf_o ;
wire \~ALTERA_TCK~~ibuf_o ;
wire \~ALTERA_TDI~~ibuf_o ;
wire \~ALTERA_CONFIG_SEL~~ibuf_o ;
wire \~ALTERA_nCONFIG~~ibuf_o ;
wire \~ALTERA_nSTATUS~~ibuf_o ;
wire \~ALTERA_CONF_DONE~~ibuf_o ;