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// graph.h 2010 Fall CPE 212 - Project06 - Graphs and STL
// Specification file for Graph class
#ifndef GRAPH_H
#define GRAPH_H
#include <cstddef>
#include <new>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stack> // For STL stack
#include <queue> // For STL queue
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class GraphPathNotFound { }; // Exception class represents path-not-found condition
class GraphEdgeNotFound { }; // Exception class represents edge-not-found condition
class GraphVertexNotFound { }; // Exception class represents vertex-not-found condition
class GraphFull { }; // Exception class represents graph-full condition
struct VertexNode; // Forward declaration of VertexNode type
struct EdgeNode // Structure representing an edge
VertexNode* destination; // Pointer to destination vertex
int weight; // Edge weight
EdgeNode* nextPtr; // Pointer to next edge
struct VertexNode // Structure representing a vertex
string vname; // Name of vertex
bool mark; // Marked flag
EdgeNode* edgePtr; // Pointer to list of outgoing edges
VertexNode* nextVertex; // Pointer to next vertex in vertices list
class Graph // Graph ADT using adjacency list representation
private: //***** Private class members below *****//
VertexNode* vertices; // Linked list of vertex nodes
public: //***** Public members below *****//
// Graph()
// Constructor initializes vertices linked list to empty
// ~Graph()
// For each VertexNode in the vertices list, Destructor deallocates all EdgeNodes before
// deallocating the VertexNode itself
void AddVertex(string v);
// AddVertex()
// Adds vertex to graph assuming vertex not already present
void AddEdge(string s, string d, int w);
// AddEdge()
// Adds edge from source S to destination D with specified weight W.
// If there is not enough memory to add the edge, throw the GraphFull exception
bool IsPresent(string v);
// IsPresent()
// Returns true if vertex V in graph, false otherwise
VertexNode* WhereIs(string v); /* Note: This function replaces IndexIs */
// WhereIs()
// Returns pointer to the vertex node that stores vertex v in the vertices linked list;
// Throws GraphVertexNotFound if V is not present in the vertices list
int WeightIs(string s, string d);
// WeightIs()
// Returns weight of edge (s,d). Throws GraphEdgeNotFound if edge not present.
void ClearMarks();
// ClearMarks()
// Clears all vertex marks
void MarkVertex(string v);
// MarkVertex()
// Marks vertex V as visited
bool IsMarked(string v);
// IsMarked()
// Returns true if vertex V is marked, false otherwise
void GetToVertices(string V, queue<string>& q);
// GetToVertices()
// Returns queue Q of vertex names of those vertices adjacent to vertex V
// The queue here is from the Standard Template Library
void DepthFirstSearch(string startVertex, string endVertex, queue<string>& path);
// DepthFirstSearch()
// Uses the DFS algorithm from the CPE 212 textbook to determine a path from the
// startVertex to the endVertex. If a path is found, the path vertices should
// be in the path queue. If no path is found, the path queue should be emptied
// as a signal to the client code that no path exists between the start and
// end vertices.
// Notes:
// (1) This algorithm is flawed in that as it searches for a path, it may
// output some additional vertices that it visited but were not part
// of the actual path. Implement the algorithm just as it appears in the textbook.
// (2) This algorithm requires use of the stack and queue containers from the
// Standard Template Library. The STL stack and queue interfaces may require
// minor modifications to the DFS code from the textbook.
// Print -- write graph to stdout. DO NOT MODIFY THIS FUNCTION!!!
void Print()
EdgeNode* eptr;
VertexNode* vptr = vertices;
const int FIELDWIDTH = 6;
string STARS = "**********";
cout << endl << STARS << endl;
cout << setw(FIELDWIDTH) << "Vertex" << " : " << "Adjacent Vertices" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
while(vptr != NULL)
cout << setw(FIELDWIDTH) << vptr->vname << " : ";
eptr = vptr->edgePtr;
while (eptr != NULL)
cout << eptr->destination->vname << eptr->weight << " ";
eptr = eptr->nextPtr;
cout << endl;
vptr = vptr->nextVertex;
cout << STARS << endl << endl;
} // Graph::Print()