2022-08-28 16:12:16 -05:00

91 lines
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// Chpater 06 program 5: Ch_06_05.cpp
using namespace std;
// Event controlled loops
// 1) Sentinel loops - Loop is executed until a special value
// is used (typically read) indicating the termination of the loop
// 2) End-of-File controlled loops - Loop is executed until the
// End-of-File(EOF) is reached.
// 3) Flag-controlled loops - The loop is executed until a
// Boolean variable is changed (from true to false or false
// to true) such that the loop is exited.
int main()
bool finished; // flag used for loop control
int value; // number read from the input file
int sum; // sum of the numbers read from the file
int line_num; // number of lines read from the file
ifstream InData; // input file stream variable
// Flag Controlled Loop - uses a flag which is a boolean variable.
// The flag records whether or not the event that controls
// the loop has occurred.
// Flags can be initialized to true or false. The value
// used is usuall decided by the variable name so that
// reading the statement indicates the desired action.
// Examples while (!negative), while (DataOk)
// In this example, integers are read from a file until one
// of the following occurs: Either the end of the file is
// reached, or the sum of the integers exceeds 300.
cout << "\n\nFlag controlled loop example. In this case, the\n";
cout << "flag is changed when the sum of integers entered\n";
cout << "exceeds 300. The loop terminates when the EOF is\n";
cout << "reached or the sum exceeds 300\n\n";
cout << "File: data_file1.txt has integers that sum to > 300.\n\n";
line_num = 1;
sum = 0;
finished = false; // initialize this to false since we are not done
cout << boolalpha;
// open the input file stream
cout << left << setw(17) << "Line and Value" <<
setw(20) << " sum" << right << setw(10)<< "finished" << setw(10)
<< "InData" << endl;
cout << left << setw(17) << "--------------" <<
setw(20) << "-------------" << right << setw(10)<< "--------" << setw(10)
<< "------" << endl;
InData >> value; // Priming read to read the first value
// Loop executes As long as the input stream is valid and the sum is less than 300
while (InData && !finished )
sum += value;
cout << "Line " << line_num << ": " << left << setw(9) << value;
cout << ":: sum is " << setw(10) << sum << right << setw(10)<< finished << setw(10)
<< bool(InData) << endl;
// test the sum to see if we have reached 301 or higher
// could use finished = sum > 300 this sets the value false
// to finished until sum exceeds 300
if (sum > 300 )
finished = true; //finished = sum > 300;
InData >> value; // Read the next value
// print out the status of the input stream and finished
cout << boolalpha; // prints out true or false for boolean variables.
cout << "finished is : " << finished << endl;
cout << "The status of the input stream is: " << bool(InData) << endl;
InData.close(); // close the file used for the input stream
return 0;