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< li > < a href = "#backy" > Backy< / a > < / li >
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< li > < a href = "#backup" > backup< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#cron" > cron< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#exec" > exec< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#version" > version< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#list" > list< / a > < / li >
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< h1 id = "cli" > CLI< / h1 >
< p > This page lists documentation for the CLI.< / p >
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< h2 id = "backy" > Backy< / h2 >
< pre tabindex = "0" > < code > Backy is a command-line application useful for configuring backups, or any commands run in sequence.
backy [command]
Available Commands:
backup Runs commands defined in config file.
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
cron Starts a scheduler that runs lists defined in config file.
exec Runs commands defined in config file in order given.
help Help about any command
list Lists commands, lists, or hosts defined in config file.
version Prints the version and exits
-f, --config string config file to read from
-h, --help help for backy
-v, --verbose Sets verbose level
Use " backy [command] --help" for more information about a command.
< / code > < / pre > < h1 id = "subcommands" > Subcommands< / h1 >
< h2 id = "backup" > backup< / h2 >
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< pre tabindex = "0" > < code > Backup executes commands defined in config file.
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Use the --lists or -l flag to execute the specified lists. If not flag is not given, all lists will be executed.
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2024-11-20 00:08:16 -06:00
backy backup [--lists=list1,list2,... | -l list1, list2,...] [flags]
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-h, --help help for backup
-l, --lists strings Accepts comma-separated names of command lists to execute.
Global Flags:
-f, --config string config file to read from
-v, --verbose Sets verbose level
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< / code > < / pre > < h2 id = "cron" > cron< / h2 >
< pre tabindex = "0" > < code > Cron starts a scheduler that executes command lists at the time defined in config file.
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2024-11-20 00:08:16 -06:00
backy cron [flags]
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2024-11-20 00:08:16 -06:00
-h, --help help for cron
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Global Flags:
-f, --config string config file to read from
-v, --verbose Sets verbose level
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< / code > < / pre > < h2 id = "exec" > exec< / h2 >
< pre tabindex = "0" > < code > Exec executes commands defined in config file in order given.
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2024-11-20 00:08:16 -06:00
backy exec command ... [flags]
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2024-11-20 00:08:16 -06:00
-h, --help help for exec
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Global Flags:
-f, --config string config file to read from
-v, --verbose Sets verbose level
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< / code > < / pre > < h2 id = "version" > version< / h2 >
< pre tabindex = "0" > < code > Prints the version and exits. No arguments just prints the version number only.
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backy version [flags]
-h, --help help for version
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-n, --num Output the version number only.
-V, --vpre Output the version with v prefixed.
Global Flags:
-f, --config string config file to read from
-v, --verbose Sets verbose level
< / code > < / pre > < h2 id = "list" > list< / h2 >
< pre tabindex = "0" > < code > Backup lists commands or groups defined in config file.
Use the --lists or -l flag to list the specified lists. If not flag is not given, all lists will be executed.
backy list [--list=list1,list2,... | -l list1, list2,...] [ -cmd cmd1 cmd2 cmd3...] [flags]
-c, --cmds strings Accepts comma-separated names of commands to list.
-h, --help help for list
-l, --lists strings Accepts comma-separated names of command lists to list.
Global Flags:
-f, --config string config file to read from
-v, --verbose Sets verbose level
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