ci/woodpecker/push/gitea Pipeline was successful Details
ci/woodpecker/push/go-lint Pipeline failed Details
ci/woodpecker/tag/gitea Pipeline failed Details
ci/woodpecker/tag/go-lint Pipeline failed Details
ci/woodpecker/tag/publish-docs Pipeline is running Details
ci/woodpecker/push/publish-docs Pipeline was successful Details

Andrew Woodlee 8 months ago
parent 6ccb75f4fa
commit a4214b2b3f

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
## v0.4.0 - 2023-09-08
### Added
* Added `scriptEnvFile` to command object that allows one to specify an environment file (or any file really) when a `scriptFile` is run. Inspired by the practice of keeping environment variables and scripts or commands seperate.
* Basis for listing commands
### Changed
* BREAKING: Notifications object now takes the form of service.id, where service can be "mail" or "matrix" and id is a unique id for the service.
* BREAKING: Since the change to the notifications object, cmd-lists' inner map key 'notifications' must be of the form service.id. id must be defined for that service. See notifications docs for aviliable services.
* Config parser is now the simpler Koanf - Keys are now case-sensitive
* Log size limited to 50 Mb

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ jobs:
- run: git fetch --force --tags
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4
go-version: '1.20'
go-version: '1.26'
cache: true
# More assembly might be required: Docker logins, GPG, etc. It all depends
# on your needs.

@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ func Backup(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
backyConfOpts := backy.NewOpts(cfgFile, backy.AddCommandLists(cmdLists))
config := backy.ReadConfig(backyConfOpts)
config.RunListConfig("", backyConfOpts)
for _, host := range config.Hosts {
for _, host := range backyConfOpts.Hosts {
if host.SshClient != nil {

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ var (
func execute(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if len(args) < 1 {
logging.ExitWithMSG("Please provide a command to run. Pass --help to see options.", 0, nil)
logging.ExitWithMSG("Please provide a command to run. Pass --help to see options.", 1, nil)
opts := backy.NewOpts(cfgFile, backy.AddCommands(args))

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// backup.go
// Copyright (C) Andrew Woodlee 2023
// License: Apache-2.0
package cmd
import (
var (
listCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "list [--list=list1,list2,... | -l list1, list2,...] [ -cmd cmd1 cmd2 cmd3...]",
Short: "Lists commands, lists, or hosts defined in config file.",
Long: "Backup lists commands or groups defined in config file.\nUse the --lists or -l flag to list the specified lists. If not flag is not given, all lists will be executed.",
Run: List,
var listsToList []string
func init() {
listCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&listsToList, "lists", "l", nil, "Accepts comma-separated names of command lists to list.")
func List(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
opts := backy.NewOpts(cfgFile, backy.SetListsToSearch(cmdLists))
opts = backy.ReadConfig(opts)

@ -36,5 +36,5 @@ func init() {
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&cfgFile, "config", "f", "", "config file to read from")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "Sets verbose level")
rootCmd.AddCommand(backupCmd, execCmd, cronCmd, versionCmd)
rootCmd.AddCommand(backupCmd, execCmd, cronCmd, versionCmd, listCmd)

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import (
const versionStr = "0.3.1"
const versionStr = "0.4.0"
var (
versionCmd = &cobra.Command{
@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ func version(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
} else if vPre && !numOnly {
fmt.Printf("v%s\n", versionStr)
} else {
if vPre && numOnly {
fmt.Println("vpre flag and num flag both detected!")
fmt.Printf("Backy version: %s\n", versionStr)

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Available Commands:
cron Starts a scheduler that runs lists defined in config file.
exec Runs commands defined in config file in order given.
help Help about any command
list Lists commands, lists, or hosts defined in config file.
version Prints the version and exits
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ Usage:
-h, --help help for version
-n, --num Output the version number only. (default true)
-n, --num Output the version number only.
-V, --vpre Output the version with v prefixed.
Global Flags:
@ -99,3 +100,20 @@ Global Flags:
-v, --verbose Sets verbose level
## list
Backup lists commands or groups defined in config file.
Use the --lists or -l flag to list the specified lists. If not flag is not given, all lists will be executed.
backy list [--list=list1,list2,... | -l list1, list2,...] [ -cmd cmd1 cmd2 cmd3...] [flags]
-h, --help help for list
-l, --lists strings Accepts comma-separated names of command lists to list.
Global Flags:
-f, --config string config file to read from
-v, --verbose Sets verbose level

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ The top-level object key can be anything you want but not the same as another.
- test
- test2
- prod-email
- matrix
- mail.prod-email
- matrix.sysadmin
cron: "0 * * * * *"
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ The top-level object key can be anything you want but not the same as another.
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `order` | Defines the sequence of commands to execute | `[]string` | yes |
| `getOutput` | Command(s) output is in the notification(s) | `bool` | no |
| `notifications` | The notification IDs to use on success and failure | `[]string` | no |
| `notifications` | The notification service(s) and ID(s) to use on success and failure. Must be *`service.id`*. See the [notifications documentation page](/config/notifications/) for more | `[]string` | no |
| `name` | Optional name of the list | `string` | no |
| `cron` | Time at which to schedule the list. | `string` | no |
| `cron` | Time at which to schedule the list. Only has affect when cron subcommand is run. | `string` | no |
### Order
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ order:
Get command output when a notification is sent.
Is not required. Can be `true` or `false`.
Is not required. Can be `true` or `false`. Default is `false`.
### Notifications
@ -57,29 +57,30 @@ Name is optional for logging. If name is not defined, name will be the object's
Backy also has a cron mode, so one can run `backy cron` and start a process that schedules jobs to run at times defined in the configuration file.
Adding `cron: 0 0 1 * * *` to a `cmd-configs` object will schedule the list at 1 in the morning. See [https://crontab.guru/](https://crontab.guru/) for reference.
Adding `cron: 0 0 1 * * *` to a `cmd-lists` object will schedule the list at 1 in the morning. See [https://crontab.guru/](https://crontab.guru/) for reference.
{{% notice tip %}}
Note: Backy uses the second field of cron, so add anything except * to the beginning of a regular cron expression.
{{% /notice %}}
  cmds-to-run: # this can be any name you want
  docker-container-backup: # this can be any name you want
    # all commands have to be defined
      - stop-docker-container
      - backup-docker-container-script
      - shell-cmd
      - hostname
      - start-docker-container
      - matrix
    name: backup-some-server
      - matrix.id
    name: backup-some-container
    cron: "0 0 1 * * *"
    name: hostname
      - hostname
    - prod-email
    - mail.prod-email

@ -10,33 +10,33 @@ Notifications can be sent on command list completion and failure.
The supported platforms for notifications are email (SMTP) and [Matrix](https://matrix.org/).
Notifications are defined by type. The top-level object will be the id, and the `type` is required.
Notifications are defined by service, with the current form following below. Ids must come after the service.
type: mail
host: yourhost.tld
port: 587
senderaddress: email@domain.tld
- admin@domain.tld
username: smtp-username@domain.tld
password: your-password-here
host: yourhost.tld
port: 587
senderaddress: email@domain.tld
- admin@domain.tld
username: smtp-username@domain.tld
password: your-password-here
type: matrix
home-server: your-home-server.tld
room-id: room-id
access-token: your-access-token
user-id: your-user-id
home-server: your-home-server.tld
room-id: room-id
access-token: your-access-token
user-id: your-user-id
Types recognized are `type: mail` and `type: matrix`
Sections recognized are `mail` and `matrix`
The type's object and its keys are listed below.
There must be a section with an id (eg. `mail.test-svr`) following one of these sections.
### type: mail
### mail
| key | description | type
| --- | --- | ---
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ The type's object and its keys are listed below.
| `username` | SMTP username | `string`
| `password` | SMTP password | `string`
### type: matrix
### matrix
| key | description | type
| --- | --- | ---

@ -51,17 +51,17 @@
"frontMatter.content.pageFolders": [
"title": "content",
"path": "[[workspace]]/content",
"originalPath": "[[workspace]]/content"
"path": "[[workspace]]/docs/content",
"originalPath": "[[workspace]]/docs/content"
"title": "config-main",
"path": "[[workspace]]/content/config",
"originalPath": "[[workspace]]/content/config"
"path": "[[workspace]]/docs/content/config",
"originalPath": "[[workspace]]/docs/content/config"
"title": "gs",
"path": "[[workspace]]/content/getting-started"
"path": "[[workspace]]/docs/content/getting-started"

@ -50,4 +50,11 @@ eval "${BACKYCOMMAND} version -h >> _index.md"
echo "\`\`\`" >> _index.md
echo "" >> _index.md
echo "## list" >> _index.md
echo "" >> _index.md
echo "\`\`\`" >> _index.md
eval "${BACKYCOMMAND} list -h >> _index.md"
echo "\`\`\`" >> _index.md
mv _index.md "$CLI_PAGE"

@ -3,29 +3,33 @@ module git.andrewnw.xyz/CyberShell/backy
go 1.26
require (
github.com/go-co-op/gocron v1.30.1
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github.com/hashicorp/vault/api v1.10.0
github.com/joho/godotenv v1.5.1
github.com/kevinburke/ssh_config v1.2.0
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github.com/nikoksr/notify v0.41.0
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github.com/rs/zerolog v1.30.0
github.com/spf13/cobra v1.7.0
github.com/spf13/viper v1.16.0
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maunium.net/go/mautrix v0.16.0
mvdan.cc/sh/v3 v3.7.0
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github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v3 v3.2.2 // indirect
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github.com/fatih/structs v1.1.0 // indirect
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.6.0 // indirect
github.com/go-jose/go-jose/v3 v3.0.0 // indirect
github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.4 // indirect
github.com/google/uuid v1.3.1 // indirect
github.com/hashicorp/errwrap v1.1.0 // indirect
github.com/hashicorp/go-cleanhttp v0.5.2 // indirect
github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror v1.1.1 // indirect
@ -33,17 +37,21 @@ require (
github.com/hashicorp/go-rootcerts v1.0.2 // indirect
github.com/hashicorp/go-secure-stdlib/parseutil v0.1.7 // indirect
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github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.1.0 // indirect
github.com/jordan-wright/email v4.0.1-0.20210109023952-943e75fe5223+incompatible // indirect
github.com/klauspost/compress v1.16.7 // indirect
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github.com/mitchellh/copystructure v1.2.0 // indirect
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github.com/mitchellh/reflectwalk v1.0.2 // indirect
github.com/montanaflynn/stats v0.7.1 // indirect
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github.com/robfig/cron/v3 v3.0.1 // indirect
github.com/ryanuber/go-glob v1.0.0 // indirect
@ -51,10 +59,10 @@ require (
github.com/spf13/cast v1.5.1 // indirect
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github.com/tidwall/pretty v1.2.1 // indirect
github.com/tidwall/sjson v1.2.5 // indirect
@ -62,12 +70,13 @@ require (
github.com/xdg-go/scram v1.1.2 // indirect
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github.com/youmark/pkcs8 v0.0.0-20201027041543-1326539a0a0a // indirect
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maunium.net/go/mautrix v0.16.0/go.mod h1:XAjE9pTSGcr6vXaiNgQGiip7tddJ8FQV1a29u2QdBG4=
mvdan.cc/sh/v3 v3.7.0 h1:lSTjdP/1xsddtaKfGg7Myu7DnlHItd3/M2tomOcNNBg=
mvdan.cc/sh/v3 v3.7.0/go.mod h1:K2gwkaesF/D7av7Kxl0HbF5kGOd2ArupNTX3X44+8l8=
rsc.io/binaryregexp v0.2.0/go.mod h1:qTv7/COck+e2FymRvadv62gMdZztPaShugOCi3I+8D8=

@ -17,12 +17,13 @@ import (
//go:embed templates/*.txt
var templates embed.FS
var requiredKeys = []string{"commands", "cmd-configs"}
var requiredKeys = []string{"commands"}
var Sprintf = fmt.Sprintf
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ var Sprintf = fmt.Sprintf
// The environment of local commands will be the machine's environment plus any extra
// variables specified in the Env file or Environment.
// Dir can also be specified for local commands.
func (command *Command) RunCmd(log zerolog.Logger, backyConf *ConfigFile, opts *ConfigOpts) ([]string, error) {
func (command *Command) RunCmd(cmdCtxLogger zerolog.Logger, opts *ConfigOpts) ([]string, error) {
var (
outputArr []string
@ -52,13 +53,13 @@ func (command *Command) RunCmd(log zerolog.Logger, backyConf *ConfigFile, opts *
command.Type = strings.TrimSpace(command.Type)
if command.Type != "" {
log.Info().Str("Command", fmt.Sprintf("Running script %s on host %s", command.Cmd, *command.Host)).Send()
cmdCtxLogger.Info().Str("Command", fmt.Sprintf("Running script %s on host %s", command.Cmd, *command.Host)).Send()
} else {
log.Info().Str("Command", fmt.Sprintf("Running command %s %s on host %s", command.Cmd, ArgsStr, *command.Host)).Send()
cmdCtxLogger.Info().Str("Command", fmt.Sprintf("Running command %s %s on host %s", command.Cmd, ArgsStr, *command.Host)).Send()
if command.RemoteHost.SshClient == nil {
err := command.RemoteHost.ConnectToSSHHost(opts, backyConf)
err := command.RemoteHost.ConnectToSSHHost(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ func (command *Command) RunCmd(log zerolog.Logger, backyConf *ConfigFile, opts *
// Retry connecting to host; if that fails, error. If it does not fail, try to create new session
if err != nil {
connErr := command.RemoteHost.ConnectToSSHHost(opts, backyConf)
connErr := command.RemoteHost.ConnectToSSHHost(opts)
if connErr != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating session: %v, and error creating new connection to host: %v", err, connErr)
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ func (command *Command) RunCmd(log zerolog.Logger, backyConf *ConfigFile, opts *
defer commandSession.Close()
injectEnvIntoSSH(envVars, commandSession, opts, log)
injectEnvIntoSSH(envVars, commandSession, opts, cmdCtxLogger)
cmd := command.Cmd
for _, a := range command.Args {
cmd += " " + a
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ func (command *Command) RunCmd(log zerolog.Logger, backyConf *ConfigFile, opts *
// did the program panic while writing to the buffer?
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
log.Info().Msg(fmt.Sprintf("panic occured writing to buffer: %x", err))
cmdCtxLogger.Info().Msg(fmt.Sprintf("panic occured writing to buffer: %x", err))
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ func (command *Command) RunCmd(log zerolog.Logger, backyConf *ConfigFile, opts *
if str, ok := outMap["output"].(string); ok {
outputArr = append(outputArr, str)
return outputArr, err
@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ func (command *Command) RunCmd(log zerolog.Logger, backyConf *ConfigFile, opts *
if str, ok := outMap["output"].(string); ok {
outputArr = append(outputArr, str)
return outputArr, err
@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ func (command *Command) RunCmd(log zerolog.Logger, backyConf *ConfigFile, opts *
if str, ok := outMap["output"].(string); ok {
outputArr = append(outputArr, str)
return outputArr, nil
@ -240,18 +241,18 @@ func (command *Command) RunCmd(log zerolog.Logger, backyConf *ConfigFile, opts *
if str, ok := outMap["output"].(string); ok {
outputArr = append(outputArr, str)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(fmt.Errorf("error when running cmd: %s: %w", command.Cmd, err)).Send()
cmdCtxLogger.Error().Err(fmt.Errorf("error when running cmd: %s: %w", command.Cmd, err)).Send()
return outputArr, err
} else {
var err error
if command.Shell != "" {
log.Info().Str("Command", fmt.Sprintf("Running command %s %s on local machine in %s", command.Cmd, ArgsStr, command.Shell)).Send()
cmdCtxLogger.Info().Str("Command", fmt.Sprintf("Running command %s %s on local machine in %s", command.Cmd, ArgsStr, command.Shell)).Send()
ArgsStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", command.Cmd, ArgsStr)
@ -260,7 +261,7 @@ func (command *Command) RunCmd(log zerolog.Logger, backyConf *ConfigFile, opts *
if command.Dir != nil {
localCMD.Dir = *command.Dir
injectEnvIntoLocalCMD(envVars, localCMD, log)
injectEnvIntoLocalCMD(envVars, localCMD, cmdCtxLogger)
cmdOutWriters = io.MultiWriter(&cmdOutBuf)
@ -286,12 +287,12 @@ func (command *Command) RunCmd(log zerolog.Logger, backyConf *ConfigFile, opts *
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(fmt.Errorf("error when running cmd %s: %w", command.Cmd, err)).Send()
cmdCtxLogger.Error().Err(fmt.Errorf("error when running cmd %s: %w", command.Cmd, err)).Send()
return outputArr, err
return outputArr, nil
log.Info().Str("Command", fmt.Sprintf("Running command %s %s on local machine", command.Cmd, ArgsStr)).Send()
cmdCtxLogger.Info().Str("Command", fmt.Sprintf("Running command %s %s on local machine", command.Cmd, ArgsStr)).Send()
localCMD := exec.Command(command.Cmd, command.Args...)
if command.Dir != nil {
@ -299,7 +300,7 @@ func (command *Command) RunCmd(log zerolog.Logger, backyConf *ConfigFile, opts *
// fmt.Printf("%v\n", envVars.env)
injectEnvIntoLocalCMD(envVars, localCMD, log)
injectEnvIntoLocalCMD(envVars, localCMD, cmdCtxLogger)
cmdOutWriters = io.MultiWriter(&cmdOutBuf)
// fmt.Printf("%v\n", localCMD.Environ())
@ -318,46 +319,46 @@ func (command *Command) RunCmd(log zerolog.Logger, backyConf *ConfigFile, opts *
if str, ok := outMap["output"].(string); ok {
outputArr = append(outputArr, str)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(fmt.Errorf("error when running cmd %s: %w", command.Cmd, err)).Send()
cmdCtxLogger.Error().Err(fmt.Errorf("error when running cmd %s: %w", command.Cmd, err)).Send()
return outputArr, err
return outputArr, nil
func cmdListWorker(msgTemps *msgTemplates, jobs <-chan *CmdList, config *ConfigFile, results chan<- string, opts *ConfigOpts) {
func cmdListWorker(msgTemps *msgTemplates, jobs <-chan *CmdList, results chan<- string, opts *ConfigOpts) {
for list := range jobs {
fieldsMap := make(map[string]interface{})
fieldsMap["list"] = list.Name
cmdLog := config.Logger.Info()
cmdLog := opts.Logger.Info()
var count int
var cmdsRan []string
var outStructArr []outStruct
for _, cmd := range list.Order {
currentCmd := config.Cmds[cmd].Cmd
currentCmd := opts.Cmds[cmd].Cmd
fieldsMap["cmd"] = config.Cmds[cmd].Cmd
cmdToRun := config.Cmds[cmd]
fieldsMap["cmd"] = opts.Cmds[cmd].Cmd
cmdToRun := opts.Cmds[cmd]
cmdLogger := config.Logger.With().
cmdLogger := opts.Logger.With().
Str("backy-cmd", cmd).Str("Host", "local machine").
if cmdToRun.Host != nil {
cmdLogger = config.Logger.With().
cmdLogger = opts.Logger.With().
Str("backy-cmd", cmd).Str("Host", *cmdToRun.Host).
outputArr, runOutErr := cmdToRun.RunCmd(cmdLogger, config, opts)
outputArr, runOutErr := cmdToRun.RunCmd(cmdLogger, opts)
if list.NotifyConfig != nil {
if cmdToRun.GetOutput || list.GetOutput {
@ -380,7 +381,7 @@ func cmdListWorker(msgTemps *msgTemplates, jobs <-chan *CmdList, config *ConfigF
errStruct["listName"] = list.Name
errStruct["Command"] = currentCmd
errStruct["Cmd"] = cmd
errStruct["Args"] = config.Cmds[cmd].Args
errStruct["Args"] = opts.Cmds[cmd].Args
errStruct["Err"] = runOutErr
errStruct["CmdsRan"] = cmdsRan
errStruct["Output"] = outputArr
@ -390,17 +391,17 @@ func cmdListWorker(msgTemps *msgTemplates, jobs <-chan *CmdList, config *ConfigF
tmpErr := msgTemps.err.Execute(&errMsg, errStruct)
if tmpErr != nil {
notifySendErr := list.NotifyConfig.Send(context.Background(), fmt.Sprintf("List %s failed on command %s ", list.Name, cmd), errMsg.String())
notifySendErr := list.NotifyConfig.Send(context.Background(), fmt.Sprintf("List %s failed", list.Name), errMsg.String())
if notifySendErr != nil {
} else {
@ -420,14 +421,14 @@ func cmdListWorker(msgTemps *msgTemplates, jobs <-chan *CmdList, config *ConfigF
tmpErr := msgTemps.success.Execute(&successMsg, successStruct)
if tmpErr != nil {
err := list.NotifyConfig.Send(context.Background(), fmt.Sprintf("List %s succeded", list.Name), successMsg.String())
if err != nil {
} else {
@ -442,22 +443,22 @@ func cmdListWorker(msgTemps *msgTemplates, jobs <-chan *CmdList, config *ConfigF
// RunListConfig runs a command list from the ConfigFile.
func (config *ConfigFile) RunListConfig(cron string, opts *ConfigOpts) {
func (opts *ConfigOpts) RunListConfig(cron string) {
mTemps := &msgTemplates{
err: template.Must(template.New("error.txt").ParseFS(templates, "templates/error.txt")),
success: template.Must(template.New("success.txt").ParseFS(templates, "templates/success.txt")),
configListsLen := len(config.CmdConfigLists)
configListsLen := len(opts.CmdConfigLists)
listChan := make(chan *CmdList, configListsLen)
results := make(chan string)
// This starts up list workers, initially blocked
// because there are no jobs yet.
for w := 1; w <= configListsLen; w++ {
go cmdListWorker(mTemps, listChan, config, results, opts)
go cmdListWorker(mTemps, listChan, results, opts)
for listName, cmdConfig := range config.CmdConfigLists {
for listName, cmdConfig := range opts.CmdConfigLists {
if cmdConfig.Name == "" {
cmdConfig.Name = listName
@ -475,26 +476,26 @@ func (config *ConfigFile) RunListConfig(cron string, opts *ConfigOpts) {
func (config *ConfigFile) ExecuteCmds(opts *ConfigOpts) {
func (config *ConfigOpts) ExecuteCmds(opts *ConfigOpts) {
for _, cmd := range opts.executeCmds {
cmdToRun := config.Cmds[cmd]
cmdLogger := config.Logger.With().
cmdToRun := opts.Cmds[cmd]
cmdLogger := opts.Logger.With().
Str("backy-cmd", cmd).
_, runErr := cmdToRun.RunCmd(cmdLogger, config, opts)
_, runErr := cmdToRun.RunCmd(cmdLogger, opts)
if runErr != nil {
func (c *ConfigFile) closeHostConnections() {
func (c *ConfigOpts) closeHostConnections() {
for _, host := range c.Hosts {
c.Logger.Info().Str("server", host.HostName)
if host.isProxyHost {

@ -10,40 +10,58 @@ import (
vault "github.com/hashicorp/vault/api"
var homeDir string
var homeDirErr error
var backyHomeConfDir string
var configFiles []string
func (opts *ConfigOpts) InitConfig() {
if opts.viper != nil {
backyViper := viper.New()
if strings.TrimSpace(opts.ConfigFilePath) != "" {
homeDir, homeDirErr = os.UserHomeDir()
if homeDirErr != nil {
backyHomeConfDir = homeDir + "/.config/backy/"
configFiles = []string{"./backy.yml", "./backy.yaml", backyHomeConfDir + "backy.yml", backyHomeConfDir + "backy.yaml"}
backyKoanf := koanf.New(".")
opts.ConfigFilePath = strings.TrimSpace(opts.ConfigFilePath)
if opts.ConfigFilePath != "" {
err := testFile(opts.ConfigFilePath)
if err != nil {
logging.ExitWithMSG(fmt.Sprintf("Could not open config file %s: %v", opts.ConfigFilePath, err), 1, nil)
if err := backyKoanf.Load(file.Provider(opts.ConfigFilePath), yaml.Parser()); err != nil {
logging.ExitWithMSG(fmt.Sprintf("error loading config: %v", err), 1, &opts.Logger)
} else {
backyViper.SetConfigName("backy.yml") // name of config file (with extension)
backyViper.SetConfigName("backy.yaml") // name of config file (with extension)
backyViper.SetConfigType("yaml") // REQUIRED if the config file does not have the extension in the name
backyViper.AddConfigPath(".") // optionally look for config in the working directory
backyViper.AddConfigPath("$HOME/.config/backy") // call multiple times to add many search paths
err := backyViper.ReadInConfig() // Find and read the config file
if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file
msg := fmt.Sprintf("fatal error reading config file %s: %v", backyViper.ConfigFileUsed(), err)
logging.ExitWithMSG(msg, 1, nil)
opts.viper = backyViper
cFileFalures := 0
for _, c := range configFiles {
if err := backyKoanf.Load(file.Provider(c), yaml.Parser()); err != nil {
} else {
opts.ConfigFilePath = c
if cFileFalures == len(configFiles) {
logging.ExitWithMSG(fmt.Sprintf("could not find a config file. Put one in the following paths: %v", configFiles), 1, &opts.Logger)
opts.koanf = backyKoanf
// ReadConfig validates and reads the config file.
func ReadConfig(opts *ConfigOpts) *ConfigFile {
func ReadConfig(opts *ConfigOpts) *ConfigOpts {
if isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) {
os.Setenv("BACKY_TERM", "enabled")
@ -53,44 +71,38 @@ func ReadConfig(opts *ConfigOpts) *ConfigFile {
os.Setenv("BACKY_TERM", "disabled")
backyConfigFile := NewConfig()
backyViper := opts.viper
// envFileInConfigDir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.env", path.Dir(backyViper.ConfigFileUsed()))
backyKoanf := opts.koanf
// load the .env file in config file directory
// _ = godotenv.Load(envFileInConfigDir)
if backyViper.GetBool(getNestedConfig("logging", "cmd-std-out")) {
if backyKoanf.Bool(getNestedConfig("logging", "cmd-std-out")) {
os.Setenv("BACKY_STDOUT", "enabled")
CheckConfigValues(backyKoanf, opts.ConfigFilePath)
for _, c := range opts.executeCmds {
if !backyViper.IsSet(getCmdFromConfig(c)) {
logging.ExitWithMSG(Sprintf("command %s is not in config file %s", c, backyViper.ConfigFileUsed()), 1, nil)
if !backyKoanf.Exists(getCmdFromConfig(c)) {
logging.ExitWithMSG(Sprintf("command %s is not in config file %s", c, opts.ConfigFilePath), 1, nil)
for _, l := range opts.executeLists {
if !backyViper.IsSet(getCmdListFromConfig(l)) {
if !backyKoanf.Exists(getCmdListFromConfig(l)) {
logging.ExitWithMSG(Sprintf("list %s not found", l), 1, nil)
var (
// backyLoggingOpts *viper.Viper
verbose bool
logFile string
verbose = backyViper.GetBool(getLoggingKeyFromConfig("verbose"))
verbose = backyKoanf.Bool(getLoggingKeyFromConfig("verbose"))
logFile = fmt.Sprintf("%s/backy.log", path.Dir(backyViper.ConfigFileUsed()))
if backyViper.IsSet(getLoggingKeyFromConfig("file")) {
logFile = backyViper.GetString(getLoggingKeyFromConfig("file"))
logFile = fmt.Sprintf("%s/backy.log", path.Dir(opts.ConfigFilePath))
if backyKoanf.Exists(getLoggingKeyFromConfig("file")) {
logFile = backyKoanf.String(getLoggingKeyFromConfig("file"))
if verbose {
@ -99,7 +111,7 @@ func ReadConfig(opts *ConfigOpts) *ConfigFile {
os.Setenv("BACKY_LOGLEVEL", Sprintf("%v", globalLvl))
consoleLoggingDisabled := backyViper.GetBool(getLoggingKeyFromConfig("console-disabled"))
consoleLoggingDisabled := backyKoanf.Bool(getLoggingKeyFromConfig("console-disabled"))
os.Setenv("BACKY_CONSOLE_LOGGING", "enabled")
// Other qualifiers can go here as well
@ -111,42 +123,30 @@ func ReadConfig(opts *ConfigOpts) *ConfigFile {
log := zerolog.New(writers).With().Timestamp().Logger()
backyConfigFile.Logger = log
opts.Logger = log
log.Info().Str("config file", opts.ConfigFilePath).Send()
log.Info().Str("config file", backyViper.ConfigFileUsed()).Send()
commandsMap := backyViper.GetStringMapString("commands")
commandsMapViper := backyViper.Sub("commands")
unmarshalErr := commandsMapViper.Unmarshal(&backyConfigFile.Cmds)
unmarshalErr := backyKoanf.UnmarshalWithConf("commands", &opts.Cmds, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "yaml"})
if unmarshalErr != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling cmds struct: %w", unmarshalErr))
hostConfigsMap := make(map[string]*viper.Viper)
for cmdName, cmdConf := range backyConfigFile.Cmds {
for cmdName, cmdConf := range opts.Cmds {
envFileErr := testFile(cmdConf.Env)
if envFileErr != nil {
backyConfigFile.Logger.Info().Str("cmd", cmdName).Err(envFileErr).Send()
opts.Logger.Info().Str("cmd", cmdName).Err(envFileErr).Send()
expandEnvVars(opts.backyEnv, cmdConf.Environment)
host := cmdConf.Host
if host != nil {
if backyViper.IsSet(getNestedConfig("hosts", *host)) {
hostconfig := backyViper.Sub(getNestedConfig("hosts", *host))
hostConfigsMap[*host] = hostconfig
hostsMapViper := backyViper.Sub("hosts")
unmarshalErr = hostsMapViper.Unmarshal(&backyConfigFile.Hosts)
unmarshalErr = backyKoanf.UnmarshalWithConf("hosts", &opts.Hosts, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "yaml"})
if unmarshalErr != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling hosts struct: %w", unmarshalErr))
for hostConfigName, host := range backyConfigFile.Hosts {
for hostConfigName, host := range opts.Hosts {
if host.Host == "" {
host.Host = hostConfigName
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ func ReadConfig(opts *ConfigOpts) *ConfigFile {
if len(proxyHosts) > 1 {
for hostNum, h := range proxyHosts {
if hostNum > 1 {
proxyHost, defined := backyConfigFile.Hosts[h]
proxyHost, defined := opts.Hosts[h]
if defined {
host.ProxyHost = append(host.ProxyHost, proxyHost)
} else {
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ func ReadConfig(opts *ConfigOpts) *ConfigFile {
host.ProxyHost = append(host.ProxyHost, newProxy)
} else {
proxyHost, defined := backyConfigFile.Hosts[h]
proxyHost, defined := opts.Hosts[h]
if defined {
host.ProxyHost = append(host.ProxyHost, proxyHost)
} else {
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ func ReadConfig(opts *ConfigOpts) *ConfigFile {
} else {
proxyHost, defined := backyConfigFile.Hosts[proxyHosts[0]]
proxyHost, defined := opts.Hosts[proxyHosts[0]]
if defined {
host.ProxyHost = append(host.ProxyHost, proxyHost)
} else {
@ -184,33 +184,29 @@ func ReadConfig(opts *ConfigOpts) *ConfigFile {
cmdListCfg := backyViper.Sub("cmd-configs")
unmarshalErr = cmdListCfg.Unmarshal(&backyConfigFile.CmdConfigLists)
if unmarshalErr != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling cmd list struct: %w", unmarshalErr))
if backyKoanf.Exists("cmd-lists") {
unmarshalErr = backyKoanf.UnmarshalWithConf("cmd-lists", &opts.CmdConfigLists, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "yaml"})
if unmarshalErr != nil {
logging.ExitWithMSG((fmt.Sprintf("error unmarshalling cmd list struct: %v", unmarshalErr)), 1, &opts.Logger)
var cmdNotFoundSliceErr []error
for cmdListName, cmdList := range backyConfigFile.CmdConfigLists {
for cmdListName, cmdList := range opts.CmdConfigLists {
if opts.useCron {
cron := strings.TrimSpace(cmdList.Cron)
if cron == "" {
delete(backyConfigFile.CmdConfigLists, cmdListName)
delete(opts.CmdConfigLists, cmdListName)
for _, cmdInList := range cmdList.Order {
_, cmdNameFound := backyConfigFile.Cmds[cmdInList]
_, cmdNameFound := opts.Cmds[cmdInList]
if !cmdNameFound {
cmdNotFoundStr := fmt.Sprintf("command %s in list %s is not defined in commands section in config file", cmdInList, cmdListName)
cmdNotFoundErr := errors.New(cmdNotFoundStr)
cmdNotFoundSliceErr = append(cmdNotFoundSliceErr, cmdNotFoundErr)
for _, notificationID := range cmdList.Notifications {
if !backyViper.IsSet(getNestedConfig("notifications", notificationID)) {
logging.ExitWithMSG(fmt.Sprintf("%s in list %s not found in notifications", notificationID, cmdListName), 1, nil)
if len(cmdNotFoundSliceErr) > 0 {
@ -218,39 +214,35 @@ func ReadConfig(opts *ConfigOpts) *ConfigFile {
cmdNotFoundErrorLog.Errs("commands not found", cmdNotFoundSliceErr).Send()
if opts.useCron && (len(backyConfigFile.CmdConfigLists) == 0) {
if opts.useCron && (len(opts.CmdConfigLists) == 0) {
logging.ExitWithMSG("No cron fields detected in any command lists", 1, nil)
for c := range commandsMap {
for c := range opts.Cmds {
if opts.executeCmds != nil && !contains(opts.executeCmds, c) {
delete(backyConfigFile.Cmds, c)
delete(opts.Cmds, c)
if len(opts.executeLists) > 0 {
for l := range backyConfigFile.CmdConfigLists {
for l := range opts.CmdConfigLists {
if !contains(opts.executeLists, l) {
delete(backyConfigFile.CmdConfigLists, l)
delete(opts.CmdConfigLists, l)
if backyViper.IsSet("notifications") {
notificationsMap := backyViper.GetStringMap("notifications")
for id := range notificationsMap {
notifConfig := backyViper.Sub(getNestedConfig("notifications", id))
config := &NotificationsConfig{
Config: notifConfig,
Enabled: true,
backyConfigFile.Notifications[id] = config
if backyKoanf.Exists("notifications") {
unmarshalErr = backyKoanf.UnmarshalWithConf("notifications", &opts.NotificationConf, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "yaml"})
if unmarshalErr != nil {
fmt.Printf("error unmarshalling notifications object: %v", unmarshalErr)
for _, cmd := range backyConfigFile.Cmds {
for _, cmd := range opts.Cmds {
if cmd.Host != nil {
host, hostFound := backyConfigFile.Hosts[*cmd.Host]
host, hostFound := opts.Hosts[*cmd.Host]
if hostFound {
cmd.RemoteHost = host
cmd.RemoteHost.Host = host.Host
@ -258,19 +250,18 @@ func ReadConfig(opts *ConfigOpts) *ConfigFile {
cmd.RemoteHost.HostName = host.HostName
} else {
backyConfigFile.Hosts[*cmd.Host] = &Host{Host: *cmd.Host}
opts.Hosts[*cmd.Host] = &Host{Host: *cmd.Host}
cmd.RemoteHost = &Host{Host: *cmd.Host}
opts.ConfigFile = backyConfigFile
if err := opts.setupVault(); err != nil {
opts.ConfigFile = backyConfigFile
return backyConfigFile
return opts
func getNestedConfig(nestedConfig, key string) string {
@ -289,16 +280,16 @@ func getLoggingKeyFromConfig(key string) string {
func getCmdListFromConfig(list string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cmd-configs.%s", list)
return fmt.Sprintf("cmd-lists.%s", list)
func (opts *ConfigOpts) setupVault() error {
if !opts.viper.GetBool("vault.enabled") {
if !opts.koanf.Bool("vault.enabled") {
return nil
config := vault.DefaultConfig()
config.Address = opts.viper.GetString("vault.address")
config.Address = opts.koanf.String("vault.address")
if strings.TrimSpace(config.Address) == "" {
config.Address = os.Getenv("VAULT_ADDR")
@ -308,7 +299,7 @@ func (opts *ConfigOpts) setupVault() error {
return err
token := opts.viper.GetString("vault.token")
token := opts.koanf.String("vault.token")
if strings.TrimSpace(token) == "" {
token = os.Getenv("VAULT_TOKEN")
@ -318,10 +309,9 @@ func (opts *ConfigOpts) setupVault() error {
cmdListCfg := opts.viper.Sub("viper.keys")
unmarshalErr := cmdListCfg.Unmarshal(&opts.VaultKeys)
unmarshalErr := opts.koanf.UnmarshalWithConf("vault.keys", &opts.VaultKeys, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "yaml"})
if unmarshalErr != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling viper.keys into struct: %w", unmarshalErr))
logging.ExitWithMSG(fmt.Sprintf("error unmarshalling vault.keys into struct: %v", unmarshalErr), 1, &opts.Logger)
opts.vaultClient = client

@ -5,31 +5,34 @@
package backy
import (
func (opts *ConfigOpts) Cron() {
s := gocron.NewScheduler(time.Local)
cmdLists := opts.ConfigFile.CmdConfigLists
cmdLists := opts.CmdConfigLists
for listName, config := range cmdLists {
if config.Name == "" {
config.Name = listName
cron := strings.TrimSpace(config.Cron)
if cron != "" {
opts.ConfigFile.Logger.Info().Str("Scheduling cron list", config.Name).Str("Time", cron).Send()
opts.Logger.Info().Str("Scheduling cron list", config.Name).Str("Time", cron).Send()
_, err := s.CronWithSeconds(cron).Tag(config.Name).Do(func(cron string) {
opts.ConfigFile.RunListConfig(cron, opts)
}, cron)
if err != nil {
logging.ExitWithMSG(fmt.Sprintf("error: %v", err), 1, &opts.Logger)
opts.ConfigFile.Logger.Info().Msg("Starting cron mode...")
opts.Logger.Info().Msg("Starting cron mode...")

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package backy
func (opts *ConfigOpts) ListConfiguration() {

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ const mongoConfigKey = "global.mongo"
func (opts *ConfigOpts) InitMongo() {
if !opts.viper.GetBool(getMongoConfigKey("enabled")) {
if !opts.koanf.Bool(getMongoConfigKey("enabled")) {
var (
@ -27,37 +27,37 @@ func (opts *ConfigOpts) InitMongo() {
// TODO: Get uri and creditials from config
host := opts.viper.GetString(getMongoConfigKey("host"))
port := opts.viper.GetInt32(getMongoConfigKey("port"))
host := opts.koanf.String(getMongoConfigKey("host"))
port := opts.koanf.Int64(getMongoConfigKey("port"))
ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer ctxCancel()
client, err = mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI(fmt.Sprintf("mongo://%s:%d", host, port)))
if opts.viper.GetBool(getMongoConfigKey("prod")) {
mongoEnvFileSet := opts.viper.IsSet(getMongoConfigKey("env"))
if opts.koanf.Bool(getMongoConfigKey("prod")) {
mongoEnvFileSet := opts.koanf.Exists(getMongoConfigKey("env"))
if mongoEnvFileSet {
auth := options.Credential{}
auth.Password = opts.viper.GetString("global.mongo.password")
auth.Username = opts.viper.GetString("global.mongo.username")
auth.Password = opts.koanf.String("global.mongo.password")
auth.Username = opts.koanf.String("global.mongo.username")
client, err = mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().SetAuth(auth).ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost:27017"))
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
defer client.Disconnect(ctx)
err = client.Ping(ctx, readpref.Primary())
if err != nil {
databases, err := client.ListDatabaseNames(ctx, bson.M{})
if err != nil {
backyDB := client.Database("backy")
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ func (opts *ConfigOpts) InitMongo() {
func getMongoConfigFromEnv(opts *ConfigOpts) error {
mongoEnvFile, err := os.Open(opts.viper.GetString("global.mongo.env"))
mongoEnvFile, err := os.Open(opts.koanf.String("global.mongo.env"))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ func getMongoConfigFromEnv(opts *ConfigOpts) error {
if !mongoUserFound {
return errors.New("MONGO_PASSWORD not set in " + mongoEnvFile.Name())
opts.viper.Set(mongoConfigKey+".password", mongoPW)
opts.viper.Set(mongoConfigKey+".username", mongoUser)
opts.koanf.Set(mongoConfigKey+".password", mongoPW)
opts.koanf.Set(mongoConfigKey+".username", mongoUser)
return nil

@ -5,67 +5,76 @@ package backy
import (
type matrixStruct struct {
homeserver string
roomid id.RoomID
accessToken string
userId id.UserID
type MatrixStruct struct {
Homeserver string `yaml:"homeserver"`
Roomid id.RoomID `yaml:"room-id"`
AccessToken string `yaml:"access-token"`
UserId id.UserID `yaml:"user-id"`
type mailConfig struct {
senderaddress string
host string
to []string
username string
password string
port string
func SetupCommandsNotifiers(backyConfig ConfigFile, ids ...string) {
type MailConfig struct {
Host string `yaml:"host"`
Port string `yaml:"port"`
Username string `yaml:"username"`
SenderAddress string `yaml:"senderaddress"`
To []string `yaml:"to"`
Password string `yaml:"password"`
// SetupNotify sets up notify instances for each command list.
func (opts *ConfigOpts) SetupNotify() {
func (backyConfig *ConfigFile) SetupNotify() {
// check if we have individual commands instead of lists to execute
if len(opts.executeCmds) != 0 {
for _, cmdConfig := range backyConfig.CmdConfigLists {
for confName, cmdConfig := range opts.CmdConfigLists {
var services []notify.Notifier
for notifyID := range backyConfig.Notifications {
if contains(cmdConfig.Notifications, notifyID) {
for _, id := range cmdConfig.Notifications {
if !strings.Contains(id, ".") {
opts.Logger.Info().Str("id", id).Str("list", cmdConfig.Name).Msg("key does not contain a \".\" Make sure to follow the docs: https://backy.cybershell.xyz/config/notifications/")
logging.ExitWithMSG(fmt.Sprintf("notification id %s in cmd list %s does not contain a \".\" \nMake sure to follow the docs: https://backy.cybershell.xyz/config/notifications/", id, cmdConfig.Name), 1, &opts.Logger)
if backyConfig.Notifications[notifyID].Enabled {
config := backyConfig.Notifications[notifyID].Config
switch config.GetString("type") {
case "matrix":
mtrx := matrixStruct{
userId: id.UserID(config.GetString("user-id")),
roomid: id.RoomID(config.GetString("room-id")),
accessToken: config.GetString("access-token"),
homeserver: config.GetString("homeserver"),
mtrxClient, _ := setupMatrix(mtrx)
services = append(services, mtrxClient)
case "mail":
mailCfg := mailConfig{
senderaddress: config.GetString("senderaddress"),
password: config.GetString("password"),
username: config.GetString("username"),
to: config.GetStringSlice("to"),
host: config.GetString("host"),
port: fmt.Sprint(config.GetUint16("port")),
mailClient := setupMail(mailCfg)
services = append(services, mailClient)
confSplit := strings.Split(id, ".")
confType := confSplit[0]
confId := confSplit[1]
switch confType {
case "mail":
conf, ok := opts.NotificationConf.MailConfig[confId]
if !ok {
opts.Logger.Info().Err(fmt.Errorf("error: ID %s not found in mail object", confId)).Str("list", confName).Send()
mailConf := setupMail(conf)
services = append(services, mailConf)
case "matrix":
conf, ok := opts.NotificationConf.MatrixConfig[confId]
if !ok {
opts.Logger.Info().Err(fmt.Errorf("error: ID %s not found in matrix object", confId)).Str("list", confName).Send()
mtrxConf, mtrxErr := setupMatrix(conf)
if mtrxErr != nil {
opts.Logger.Info().Str("list", confName).Err(fmt.Errorf("error: configuring matrix id %s failed during setup: %w", id, mtrxErr))
// append the services
services = append(services, mtrxConf)
// service is not recognized
opts.Logger.Info().Err(fmt.Errorf("id %s not found", id)).Str("list", confName).Send()
cmdConfig.NotifyConfig = notify.NewWithServices(services...)
@ -74,19 +83,18 @@ func (backyConfig *ConfigFile) SetupNotify() {
// logging.ExitWithMSG("This was a test of notifications", 0, nil)
func setupMatrix(config matrixStruct) (*matrix.Matrix, error) {
matrixClient, matrixErr := matrix.New(config.userId, config.roomid, config.homeserver, config.accessToken)
func setupMatrix(config MatrixStruct) (*matrix.Matrix, error) {
matrixClient, matrixErr := matrix.New(config.UserId, config.Roomid, config.Homeserver, config.AccessToken)
if matrixErr != nil {
return nil, matrixErr
return matrixClient, nil
func setupMail(config mailConfig) *mail.Mail {
mailClient := mail.New(config.senderaddress, config.host+":"+config.port)
mailClient.AuthenticateSMTP("", config.username, config.password, config.host)
func setupMail(config MailConfig) *mail.Mail {
mailClient := mail.New(config.SenderAddress, config.Host+":"+config.Port)
mailClient.AuthenticateSMTP("", config.Username, config.Password, config.Host)
return mailClient

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ var TS = strings.TrimSpace
// It returns an ssh.Client used to run commands against.
// If configFile is empty, any required configuration is looked up in the default config files
// If any value is not found, defaults are used
func (remoteConfig *Host) ConnectToSSHHost(opts *ConfigOpts, config *ConfigFile) error {
func (remoteConfig *Host) ConnectToSSHHost(opts *ConfigOpts) error {
// var sshClient *ssh.Client
var connectErr error
@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ func (remoteConfig *Host) ConnectToSSHHost(opts *ConfigOpts, config *ConfigFile)
var configFile *os.File
var sshConfigFileOpenErr error
if !remoteConfig.useDefaultConfig {
var err error
remoteConfig.ConfigFilePath, err = resolveDir(remoteConfig.ConfigFilePath)
if err != nil {
return err
configFile, sshConfigFileOpenErr = os.Open(remoteConfig.ConfigFilePath)
if sshConfigFileOpenErr != nil {
return sshConfigFileOpenErr
@ -66,14 +71,14 @@ func (remoteConfig *Host) ConnectToSSHHost(opts *ConfigOpts, config *ConfigFile)
return decodeErr
err := remoteConfig.GetProxyJumpFromConfig(config.Hosts)
err := remoteConfig.GetProxyJumpFromConfig(opts.Hosts)
if err != nil {
return err
if remoteConfig.ProxyHost != nil {
for _, proxyHost := range remoteConfig.ProxyHost {
err := proxyHost.GetProxyJumpConfig(config.Hosts, opts)
opts.ConfigFile.Logger.Info().Msgf("Proxy host: %s", proxyHost.Host)
err := proxyHost.GetProxyJumpConfig(opts.Hosts, opts)
opts.Logger.Info().Msgf("Proxy host: %s", proxyHost.Host)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -101,24 +106,24 @@ func (remoteConfig *Host) ConnectToSSHHost(opts *ConfigOpts, config *ConfigFile)
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not create hostkeycallback function")
remoteConfig.ClientConfig.HostKeyCallback = hostKeyCallback
opts.ConfigFile.Logger.Info().Str("user", remoteConfig.ClientConfig.User).Send()
opts.Logger.Info().Str("user", remoteConfig.ClientConfig.User).Send()
remoteConfig.SshClient, connectErr = remoteConfig.ConnectThroughBastion(opts.ConfigFile.Logger)
remoteConfig.SshClient, connectErr = remoteConfig.ConnectThroughBastion(opts.Logger)
if connectErr != nil {
return connectErr
if remoteConfig.SshClient != nil {
config.Hosts[remoteConfig.Host] = remoteConfig
opts.Hosts[remoteConfig.Host] = remoteConfig
return nil
opts.ConfigFile.Logger.Info().Msgf("Connecting to host %s", remoteConfig.HostName)
opts.Logger.Info().Msgf("Connecting to host %s", remoteConfig.HostName)
remoteConfig.SshClient, connectErr = ssh.Dial("tcp", remoteConfig.HostName, remoteConfig.ClientConfig)
if connectErr != nil {
return connectErr
config.Hosts[remoteConfig.Host] = remoteConfig
opts.Hosts[remoteConfig.Host] = remoteConfig
return nil
@ -148,7 +153,7 @@ func (remoteHost *Host) GetAuthMethods(opts *ConfigOpts) error {
if err != nil {
return err
remoteHost.PrivateKeyPassword, err = GetPrivateKeyPassword(remoteHost.PrivateKeyPassword, opts, opts.ConfigFile.Logger)
remoteHost.PrivateKeyPassword, err = GetPrivateKeyPassword(remoteHost.PrivateKeyPassword, opts, opts.Logger)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -167,7 +172,7 @@ func (remoteHost *Host) GetAuthMethods(opts *ConfigOpts) error {
if remoteHost.Password == "" {
remoteHost.Password, err = GetPassword(remoteHost.Password, opts, opts.ConfigFile.Logger)
remoteHost.Password, err = GetPassword(remoteHost.Password, opts, opts.Logger)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -297,7 +302,7 @@ func GetPrivateKeyPassword(key string, opts *ConfigOpts, log zerolog.Logger) (st
} else {
prKeyPassword = key
prKeyPassword = GetVaultKey(prKeyPassword, opts, opts.ConfigFile.Logger)
prKeyPassword = GetVaultKey(prKeyPassword, opts, opts.Logger)
return prKeyPassword, nil
@ -328,7 +333,7 @@ func GetPassword(pass string, opts *ConfigOpts, log zerolog.Logger) (string, err
} else {
password = pass
password = GetVaultKey(password, opts, opts.ConfigFile.Logger)
password = GetVaultKey(password, opts, opts.Logger)
return password, nil

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import (
vaultapi "github.com/hashicorp/vault/api"
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type (
// Host defines a host to which to connect.
// If not provided, the values will be looked up in the default ssh config files
Host struct {
ConfigFilePath string `yaml:"configfilepath,omitempty"`
ConfigFilePath string `yaml:"config,omitempty"`
Host string `yaml:"host,omitempty"`
HostName string `yaml:"hostname,omitempty"`
KnownHostsFile string `yaml:"knownhostsfile,omitempty"`
@ -113,35 +113,26 @@ type (
Notifications []string `yaml:"notifications,omitempty"`
GetOutput bool `yaml:"getOutput,omitempty"`
NotifyConfig *notify.Notify
// NotificationsConfig map[string]*NotificationsConfig
// NotifyConfig map[string]*notify.Notify
ConfigFile struct {
ConfigOpts struct {
// Cmds holds the commands for a list.
// Key is the name of the command,
Cmds map[string]*Command `yaml:"commands"`
// CmdConfigLists holds the lists of commands to be run in order.
// Key is the command list name.
CmdConfigLists map[string]*CmdList `yaml:"cmd-configs"`
CmdConfigLists map[string]*CmdList `yaml:"cmd-lists"`
// Hosts holds the Host config.
// key is the host.
Hosts map[string]*Host `yaml:"hosts"`
// Notifications holds the config for different notifications.
Notifications map[string]*NotificationsConfig
Logger zerolog.Logger
ConfigOpts struct {
// Global log level
BackyLogLvl *string
// Holds config file
ConfigFile *ConfigFile
// Holds config file
ConfigFilePath string
@ -160,9 +151,13 @@ type (
vaultClient *vaultapi.Client
List ListConfig
VaultKeys []*VaultKey `yaml:"keys"`
viper *viper.Viper
koanf *koanf.Koanf
NotificationConf *Notifications `yaml:"notifications"`
outStruct struct {
@ -185,9 +180,9 @@ type (
Keys []*VaultKey `yaml:"keys"`
NotificationsConfig struct {
Config *viper.Viper
Enabled bool
Notifications struct {
MailConfig map[string]MailConfig `yaml:"mail,omitempty"`
MatrixConfig map[string]MatrixStruct `yaml:"matrix,omitempty"`
CmdOutput struct {
@ -204,4 +199,10 @@ type (
success *template.Template
err *template.Template
ListConfig struct {
Lists []string
Commands []string
Hosts []string

@ -15,12 +15,65 @@ import (
func (c *ConfigOpts) LogLvl(level string) BackyOptionFunc {
return func(bco *ConfigOpts) {
c.BackyLogLvl = &level
// AddCommands adds commands to ConfigOpts
func AddCommands(commands []string) BackyOptionFunc {
return func(bco *ConfigOpts) {
bco.executeCmds = append(bco.executeCmds, commands...)
// AddCommandLists adds lists to ConfigOpts
func AddCommandLists(lists []string) BackyOptionFunc {
return func(bco *ConfigOpts) {
bco.executeLists = append(bco.executeLists, lists...)
// AddPrintLists adds lists to print out
func SetListsToSearch(lists []string) BackyOptionFunc {
return func(bco *ConfigOpts) {
bco.List.Lists = append(bco.List.Lists, lists...)
// AddPrintLists adds lists to print out
func SetCmdsToSearch(cmds []string) BackyOptionFunc {
return func(bco *ConfigOpts) {
bco.List.Commands = append(bco.List.Commands, cmds...)
// UseCron enables the execution of command lists at specified times
func UseCron() BackyOptionFunc {
return func(bco *ConfigOpts) {
bco.useCron = true
func NewOpts(configFilePath string, opts ...BackyOptionFunc) *ConfigOpts {
b := &ConfigOpts{}
b.ConfigFilePath = configFilePath
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt != nil {
return b
func injectEnvIntoSSH(envVarsToInject environmentVars, process *ssh.Session, opts *ConfigOpts, log zerolog.Logger) {
if envVarsToInject.file != "" {
envPath, envPathErr := resolveDir(envVarsToInject.file)
@ -94,12 +147,12 @@ func contains(s []string, e string) bool {
return false
func CheckConfigValues(config *viper.Viper) {
func CheckConfigValues(config *koanf.Koanf, file string) {
for _, key := range requiredKeys {
isKeySet := config.IsSet(key)
isKeySet := config.Exists(key)
if !isKeySet {
logging.ExitWithMSG(Sprintf("Config key %s is not defined in %s. Please make sure this value is set and has the appropriate keys set.", key, config.ConfigFileUsed()), 1, nil)
logging.ExitWithMSG(Sprintf("Config key %s is not defined in %s. Please make sure this value is set and has the appropriate keys set.", key, file), 1, nil)
@ -116,64 +169,6 @@ func testFile(c string) error {
return nil
func (c *ConfigOpts) LogLvl(level string) BackyOptionFunc {
return func(bco *ConfigOpts) {
c.BackyLogLvl = &level
// AddCommands adds commands to ConfigOpts
func AddCommands(commands []string) BackyOptionFunc {
return func(bco *ConfigOpts) {
bco.executeCmds = append(bco.executeCmds, commands...)
// AddCommandLists adds lists to ConfigOpts
func AddCommandLists(lists []string) BackyOptionFunc {
return func(bco *ConfigOpts) {
bco.executeLists = append(bco.executeLists, lists...)
// UseCron enables the execution of command lists at specified times
func UseCron() BackyOptionFunc {
return func(bco *ConfigOpts) {
bco.useCron = true
// UseCron enables the execution of command lists at specified times
func (c *ConfigOpts) AddViper(v *viper.Viper) BackyOptionFunc {
return func(bco *ConfigOpts) {
c.viper = v
func NewOpts(configFilePath string, opts ...BackyOptionFunc) *ConfigOpts {
b := &ConfigOpts{}
b.ConfigFilePath = configFilePath
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt != nil {
return b
NewConfig initializes new config that holds information from the config file
func NewConfig() *ConfigFile {
return &ConfigFile{
Cmds: make(map[string]*Command),
CmdConfigLists: make(map[string]*CmdList),
Hosts: make(map[string]*Host),
Notifications: make(map[string]*NotificationsConfig),
func IsTerminalActive() bool {
return os.Getenv("BACKY_TERM") == "enabled"
@ -203,7 +198,7 @@ func resolveDir(path string) (string, error) {
func (opts *ConfigOpts) loadEnv() {
envFileInConfigDir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.env", path.Dir(opts.viper.ConfigFileUsed()))
envFileInConfigDir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.env", path.Dir(opts.ConfigFilePath))
var backyEnv map[string]string
backyEnv, envFileErr := godotenv.Read(envFileInConfigDir)
if envFileErr != nil {
