update docs
ci/woodpecker/push/gitea Pipeline was successful Details
ci/woodpecker/push/publish-docs Pipeline was successful Details

Andrew Woodlee 11 months ago
parent 37bd69b675
commit e353ed0225

@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ commands:
- -f /some/path/to/docker-compose.yaml
- down
# if host is not defined, command will be run locally
host: some-host
cmd: /path/to/script/on/some-host
# The host has to be defined in either the config file or the SSH Config files
host: some-host
cmd: /path/to/local/script
# script file is input as stdin to SSH
type: scriptFile # also can be script
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ Values available for this section:
| `cmd` | Defines the command to execute | `string` | yes |
| `args` | Defines the arguments to the command | `[]string` | no |
| `environment` | Defines evironment variables for the command | `[]string` | no |
| `type` | May be `scriptFile` or `script`. Runs script from local machine on remote | `string` | no |
| `getOutput` | Command(s) output is in the notification(s) | `bool` | no |
| `host` | If not specified, the command will execute locally. | `string` | no |
| `shell` | Only applicable when host is not specified | `string` | no |
@ -84,6 +86,14 @@ If I assign a value to host as `host: web-prod` and don't specify this value in
If shell is defined and host is NOT defined, the command will run in the specified shell.
Make sure to escape any shell input.
### type
May be `scriptFile` or `script`. Runs script from local machine on remote host.
If `script` is specified, `cmd` is used as the script.
Script file is input as stdin to SSH.
### environment
The environment variables support expansion:
