You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package backy
import (
// ReadConfig validates and reads the config file.
func ReadConfig(opts *BackyConfigOpts) *BackyConfigFile {
if isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) {
os.Setenv("BACKY_TERM", "enabled")
} else if isatty.IsCygwinTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) {
os.Setenv("BACKY_TERM", "enabled")
} else {
os.Setenv("BACKY_TERM", "disabled")
backyConfigFile := NewConfig()
backyViper := opts.viper
// loadEnv(backyViper)
envFileInConfigDir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.env", path.Dir(backyViper.ConfigFileUsed()))
envFileErr := godotenv.Load()
if envFileErr != nil {
_ = godotenv.Load(envFileInConfigDir)
if backyViper.GetBool(getNestedConfig("logging", "cmd-std-out")) {
os.Setenv("BACKY_STDOUT", "enabled")
for _, c := range opts.executeCmds {
if !backyViper.IsSet(getCmdFromConfig(c)) {
logging.ExitWithMSG(Sprintf("command %s is not in config file %s", c, backyViper.ConfigFileUsed()), 1, nil)
for _, l := range opts.executeLists {
if !backyViper.IsSet(getCmdListFromConfig(l)) {
logging.ExitWithMSG(Sprintf("list %s not found", l), 1, nil)
var backyLoggingOpts *viper.Viper
isBackyLoggingOptsSet := backyViper.IsSet("logging")
if isBackyLoggingOptsSet {
backyLoggingOpts = backyViper.Sub("logging")
verbose := backyLoggingOpts.GetBool("verbose")
logFile := backyLoggingOpts.GetString("file")
if verbose {
globalLvl := zerolog.GlobalLevel()
os.Setenv("BACKY_LOGLEVEL", Sprintf("%x", globalLvl))
consoleLoggingEnabled := backyLoggingOpts.GetBool("console")
// Other qualifiers can go here as well
if consoleLoggingEnabled {
os.Setenv("BACKY_CONSOLE_LOGGING", "enabled")
} else {
writers := logging.SetLoggingWriters(backyLoggingOpts, logFile)
log := zerolog.New(writers).With().Timestamp().Logger()
backyConfigFile.Logger = log
commandsMap := backyViper.GetStringMapString("commands")
commandsMapViper := backyViper.Sub("commands")
unmarshalErr := commandsMapViper.Unmarshal(&backyConfigFile.Cmds)
if unmarshalErr != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling cmds struct: %w", unmarshalErr))
hostConfigsMap := make(map[string]*viper.Viper)
for cmdName, cmdConf := range backyConfigFile.Cmds {
envFileErr := testFile(cmdConf.Env)
if envFileErr != nil {
backyConfigFile.Logger.Info().Str("cmd", cmdName).Err(envFileErr).Send()
host := cmdConf.Host
if host != nil {
if backyViper.IsSet(getNestedConfig("hosts", *host)) {
hostconfig := backyViper.Sub(getNestedConfig("hosts", *host))
hostConfigsMap[*host] = hostconfig
hostsMapViper := backyViper.Sub("hosts")
unmarshalErr = hostsMapViper.Unmarshal(&backyConfigFile.Hosts)
if unmarshalErr != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling hosts struct: %w", unmarshalErr))
for _, v := range backyConfigFile.Hosts {
if v.JumpHost != "" {
proxyHost, defined := backyConfigFile.Hosts[v.JumpHost]
if defined {
v.ProxyHost = proxyHost
cmdListCfg := backyViper.Sub("cmd-configs")
unmarshalErr = cmdListCfg.Unmarshal(&backyConfigFile.CmdConfigLists)
if unmarshalErr != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling cmd list struct: %w", unmarshalErr))
var cmdNotFoundSliceErr []error
for cmdListName, cmdList := range backyConfigFile.CmdConfigLists {
if opts.useCron {
cron := strings.TrimSpace(cmdList.Cron)
if cron == "" {
delete(backyConfigFile.CmdConfigLists, cmdListName)
for _, cmdInList := range cmdList.Order {
_, cmdNameFound := backyConfigFile.Cmds[cmdInList]
if !cmdNameFound {
cmdNotFoundStr := fmt.Sprintf("command %s in list %s is not defined in config file", cmdInList, cmdListName)
cmdNotFoundErr := errors.New(cmdNotFoundStr)
cmdNotFoundSliceErr = append(cmdNotFoundSliceErr, cmdNotFoundErr)
for _, notificationID := range cmdList.Notifications {
if !backyViper.IsSet(getNestedConfig("notifications", notificationID)) {
logging.ExitWithMSG(fmt.Sprintf("%s in list %s not found in notifications", notificationID, cmdListName), 1, nil)
if len(cmdNotFoundSliceErr) > 0 {
var cmdNotFoundErrorLog = log.Fatal()
cmdNotFoundErrorLog.Errs("commands not found", cmdNotFoundSliceErr).Send()
if opts.useCron && len(backyConfigFile.CmdConfigLists) > 0 {
log.Info().Msg("Starting cron mode...")
} else if opts.useCron && (len(backyConfigFile.CmdConfigLists) == 0) {
logging.ExitWithMSG("No cron fields detected in any command lists", 1, nil)
for c := range commandsMap {
if opts.executeCmds != nil && !contains(opts.executeCmds, c) {
delete(backyConfigFile.Cmds, c)
if len(opts.executeLists) > 0 {
for l := range backyConfigFile.CmdConfigLists {
if !contains(opts.executeLists, l) {
delete(backyConfigFile.CmdConfigLists, l)
var notificationsMap = make(map[string]interface{})
if backyViper.IsSet("notifications") {
notificationsMap = backyViper.GetStringMap("notifications")
for id := range notificationsMap {
notifConfig := backyViper.Sub(getNestedConfig("notifications", id))
config := &NotificationsConfig{
Config: notifConfig,
Enabled: true,
backyConfigFile.Notifications[id] = config
for _, cmd := range backyConfigFile.Cmds {
if cmd.Host != nil {
host, hostFound := backyConfigFile.Hosts[*cmd.Host]
if hostFound {
cmd.RemoteHost = host
cmd.RemoteHost.Host = host.Host
if host.HostName != "" {
cmd.RemoteHost.HostName = host.HostName
} else {
cmd.RemoteHost = &Host{Host: *cmd.Host}
return backyConfigFile
func getNestedConfig(nestedConfig, key string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", nestedConfig, key)
func getCmdFromConfig(key string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("commands.%s", key)
func getCmdListFromConfig(list string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cmd-configs.%s", list)
func (opts *BackyConfigOpts) InitConfig() {
if opts.viper != nil {
backyViper := viper.New()
if strings.TrimSpace(opts.ConfigFilePath) != "" {
} else {
backyViper.SetConfigName("backy.yaml") // name of config file (with extension)
backyViper.SetConfigType("yaml") // REQUIRED if the config file does not have the extension in the name
backyViper.AddConfigPath(".") // optionally look for config in the working directory
backyViper.AddConfigPath("$HOME/.config/backy") // call multiple times to add many search paths
err := backyViper.ReadInConfig() // Find and read the config file
if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file
panic(fmt.Errorf("fatal error reading config file %s: %w", backyViper.ConfigFileUsed(), err))
opts.viper = backyViper
func loadEnv(backyViper *viper.Viper) {
envFileInConfigDir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.env", path.Dir(backyViper.ConfigFileUsed()))
var backyEnv map[string]string
backyEnv, envFileErr := godotenv.Read()
// envFile, envFileErr := os.Open(".env")
if envFileErr != nil {
backyEnv, _ = godotenv.Read(envFileInConfigDir)
envFileErr = godotenv.Load()
if envFileErr != nil {
_ = godotenv.Load(envFileInConfigDir)
env := func(name string) string {
name = strings.ToUpper(name)
envVar, found := backyEnv[name]
if found {
return envVar
return ""
envVars := []string{"APP=${BACKY_APP}"}
for indx, v := range envVars {
if strings.Contains(v, "$") || (strings.Contains(v, "${") && strings.Contains(v, "}")) {
out, _ := shell.Expand(v, env)
envVars[indx] = out
// println(out)