2025-03-03 23:45:28 -06:00

299 lines
7.5 KiB

package backy
import (
vaultapi ""
type (
// Host defines a host to which to connect.
// If not provided, the values will be looked up in the default ssh config files
Host struct {
OS string `yaml:"OS,omitempty"`
ConfigFilePath string `yaml:"config,omitempty"`
Host string `yaml:"host,omitempty"`
HostName string `yaml:"hostname,omitempty"`
KnownHostsFile string `yaml:"knownhostsfile,omitempty"`
ClientConfig *ssh.ClientConfig
SSHConfigFile *sshConfigFile
SshClient *ssh.Client
Port uint16 `yaml:"port,omitempty"`
ProxyJump string `yaml:"proxyjump,omitempty"`
Password string `yaml:"password,omitempty"`
PrivateKeyPath string `yaml:"privatekeypath,omitempty"`
PrivateKeyPassword string `yaml:"privatekeypassword,omitempty"`
useDefaultConfig bool
User string `yaml:"user,omitempty"`
isProxyHost bool
// ProxyHost holds the configuration for a ProxyJump host
ProxyHost []*Host
// CertPath string `yaml:"cert_path,omitempty"`
sshConfigFile struct {
SshConfigFile *ssh_config.Config
DefaultUserSettings *ssh_config.UserSettings
Command struct {
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Cmd string `yaml:"cmd"`
// See CommandType enum further down the page for acceptable values
Type CommandType `yaml:"type,omitempty"`
Host *string `yaml:"host,omitempty"`
Hooks *Hooks `yaml:"hooks,omitempty"`
hookRefs map[string]map[string]*Command
Shell string `yaml:"shell,omitempty"`
RemoteHost *Host `yaml:"-"`
Args []string `yaml:"args,omitempty"`
Dir *string `yaml:"dir,omitempty"`
Env string `yaml:"env,omitempty"`
Environment []string `yaml:"environment,omitempty"`
GetOutputInList bool `yaml:"getOutputInList,omitempty"`
ScriptEnvFile string `yaml:"scriptEnvFile"`
OutputToLog bool `yaml:"outputToLog,omitempty"`
OutputFile string `yaml:"outputFile,omitempty"`
PackageManager string `yaml:"packageManager,omitempty"`
PackageName string `yaml:"packageName,omitempty"`
PackageVersion string `yaml:"packageVersion,omitempty"`
PackageOperation PackageOperation `yaml:"packageOperation,omitempty"`
pkgMan pkgman.PackageManager
packageCmdSet bool
RemoteSource string `yaml:"remoteSource,omitempty"`
FetchBeforeExecution bool `yaml:"fetchBeforeExecution,omitempty"`
Fetcher remotefetcher.RemoteFetcher
Username string `yaml:"userName,omitempty"`
UserID string `yaml:"userID,omitempty"`
UserGroups []string `yaml:"userGroups,omitempty"`
UserHome string `yaml:"userHome,omitempty"`
UserShell string `yaml:"userShell,omitempty"`
SystemUser bool `yaml:"systemUser,omitempty"`
UserPassword string `yaml:"userPassword,omitempty"`
UserSshPubKeys []string `yaml:"userSshPubKeys,omitempty"`
userMan usermanager.UserManager
// OS for the command, only used when type is user
OS string `yaml:"OS,omitempty"`
UserOperation string `yaml:"userOperation,omitempty"`
userCmdSet bool
// stdin only for userOperation = password (for now)
stdin *strings.Reader
RemoteSource struct {
URL string `yaml:"url"`
Type string `yaml:"type"` // e.g., s3, http
Auth struct {
AccessKey string `yaml:"accessKey"`
SecretKey string `yaml:"secretKey"`
} `yaml:"auth"`
BackyOptionFunc func(*ConfigOpts)
CmdList struct {
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Cron string `yaml:"cron,omitempty"`
RunCmdOnFailure string `yaml:"runCmdOnFailure,omitempty"`
Order []string `yaml:"order,omitempty"`
Notifications []string `yaml:"notifications,omitempty"`
GetOutput bool `yaml:"getOutput,omitempty"`
NotifyOnSuccess bool `yaml:"notifyOnSuccess,omitempty"`
NotifyConfig *notify.Notify
Source string `yaml:"source"` // URL to fetch remote commands
Type string `yaml:"type"`
ConfigOpts struct {
// Cmds holds the commands for a list.
// Key is the name of the command,
Cmds map[string]*Command `yaml:"commands"`
// CmdConfigLists holds the lists of commands to be run in order.
// Key is the command list name.
CmdConfigLists map[string]*CmdList `yaml:"cmdLists"`
// Hosts holds the Host config.
// key is the host.
Hosts map[string]*Host `yaml:"hosts"`
Logger zerolog.Logger
// Global log level
BackyLogLvl *string
CmdStdOut bool
ConfigFilePath string
ConfigDir string
LogFilePath string
CmdListFile string
// use command lists using cron
cronEnabled bool
// Holds commands to execute for the exec command
executeCmds []string
// Holds lists to execute for the backup command
executeLists []string
// Holds env vars from .env file
backyEnv map[string]string
vaultClient *vaultapi.Client
List ListConfig
VaultKeys []*VaultKey `yaml:"keys"`
koanf *koanf.Koanf
NotificationConf *Notifications `yaml:"notifications"`
Cache *remotefetcher.Cache
CachedData []*remotefetcher.CacheData
outStruct struct {
CmdName string
CmdExecuted string
Output []string
VaultKey struct {
Name string `yaml:"name"`
Path string `yaml:"path"`
ValueType string `yaml:"type"`
MountPath string `yaml:"mountpath"`
VaultConfig struct {
Token string `yaml:"token"`
Address string `yaml:"address"`
Enabled string `yaml:"enabled"`
Keys []*VaultKey `yaml:"keys"`
Notifications struct {
MailConfig map[string]MailConfig `yaml:"mail,omitempty"`
MatrixConfig map[string]MatrixStruct `yaml:"matrix,omitempty"`
CmdOutput struct {
Err error
Output bytes.Buffer
environmentVars struct {
file string
env []string
msgTemplates struct {
success *template.Template
err *template.Template
ListConfig struct {
Lists []string
Commands []string
Hosts []string
Hooks struct {
Error []string `yaml:"error,omitempty"`
Success []string `yaml:"success,omitempty"`
Final []string `yaml:"final,omitempty"`
CmdResult struct {
CmdName string // Name of the command executed
ListName string // Name of the command list
Error error // Error encountered, if any
// use ints so we can use enums
CommandType int
PackageOperation int
//go:generate go run -linecomment -yaml -text -json -type=CommandType
const (
DefaultCT CommandType = iota //
ScriptCT // script
ScriptFileCT // scriptFile
RemoteScriptCT // remoteScript
PackageCT // package
UserCT // user
//go:generate go run -linecomment -yaml -text -json -type=PackageOperation
const (
DefaultPO PackageOperation = iota //
PackOpInstall // install
PackOpUpgrade // upgrade
PackOpPurge // purge
PackOpRemove // remove
PackOpCheckVersion // checkVersion
PackOpIsInstalled // isInstalled