You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

108 lines
1.4 KiB

other = "ltr"
other = "Hledat"
other = "Hledat..."
other = "Žádné výsledky pro \"{0}\""
other = "{1} výsledků pro \"{0}\""
other = "Vymazat historii"
other = "Přílohy"
other = "Nelokalizované"
other = "Ups. Zdá se, že tato stránka neexistuje ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯."
other = "Přejít na domovskou stránku"
other = "Upravit"
other = "Vytisknout kapitolu"
other = "Více"
other = "Rozbalit..."
other = "Menu"
other = "Obsah"
other = "B"
other = "KB"
other = "MB"
other = "Poznámka"
other = "Info"
other = "Tip"
other = "Varování"
other = "Kopírovat"
other = "Zkopírováno!"
other = "Kopírovat odkaz"
other = "Odkaz zkopírován!"
other = "Kapitola {{.}}"
other = "Jazyk"
other = "Motiv"
other = "Podmenu {{.}}"
other = "Podsekce {{.}}"
other = "Klíčová Slova"
other = "Klíčové Slovo"
other = "Kategorie"
other = "Kategorie"