You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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other = "ltr"
other = "Etsi"
other = "Etsi..."
other = "Ei tuloksia haulle \"{0}\""
other = "{1} tulosta löytyi haulle \"{0}\""
other = "Tyhjennä historia"
other = "Liitteet"
other = "Paikantamaton"
other = "Sivua ei ole ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯."
other = "Etusivulle"
other = "Muokkaa"
other = "Tulosta koko luku"
other = "Lisää"
other = "Laajenna..."
other = "Valikko"
other = "Sisältö"
other = "T"
other = "KT"
other = "MT"
other = "Huom"
other = "Info"
other = "Vihje"
other = "Varoitus"
other = "Kopioi leikepöydälle"
other = "Kopioitu leikepöydälle!"
other = "Kopioi linkki leikepöydälle"
other = "Linkki kopioitu leikepöydälle!"
other = "Luku {{.}}"
other = "Kieli"
other = "Teema"
other = "Alavalikko {{.}}"
other = "Osa {{.}}"
other = "Tunnisteet"
other = "Tag"
other = "Luokat"
other = "Kategoria"