Andrew Woodlee 4b382bddd9 v0.3.0
* Getting environment variables and passwords from Vault (not tested
* Vault configuration to config (not tested yet)
* Ability to run scripts from file on local machine on the remote host
* Ability to get ouput in the notification of a list for individual
commands or all commands
* Make SSH connections close after all commands have been run; reuse
previous connections if needed
2023-07-01 21:46:54 -05:00

25 lines
1.4 KiB

{{- $context := .context }}
{{- $color := .color | default "" }}
{{- $content := .content }}
{{- $style := .style | default "default" }}
{{- $title := .title | default ($style | T) }}
{{- $title = trim $title " " }}
{{- $icon := .icon | default "" }}
{{- if and (not $icon) (eq (len $icon) 0) }}
{{- if eq $style "info" }}{{ $icon = default "info-circle" }}{{ end }}
{{- if eq $style "warning" }}{{ $icon = default "exclamation-triangle" }}{{ end }}
{{- if eq $style "note" }}{{ $icon = default "exclamation-circle" }}{{ end }}
{{- if eq $style "tip" }}{{ $icon = default "lightbulb" }}{{ end }}
{{- end }}
{{- $icon = trim $icon " " }}
{{- if and $icon (not (findRE ".*?\\bfa-\\w.*?" $icon)) }}
{{- $icon = printf "fa-fw fas fa-%s" $icon }}
{{- end }}
{{- with $context }}
<div class="box notices cstyle {{ $style }}"{{ if $color }} style="--VARIABLE-BOX-color: {{ $color }};"{{ end }}>
<div class="box-label">{{ if $icon }}<i class="{{ $icon }}"></i>{{ end }}{{ if and $icon $title }} {{ end }}{{ $title | .RenderString }}</div>
<div class="box-content">
{{ if ne "<" (substr (strings.TrimLeft " " $content) 0 1) }}<p>{{ end }}<!-- we add a DOM element here if there is none to make collapsing marings work -->
{{ $content | safeHTML }}</div><!-- no line break allowed here because of awkward behavior of Hugo 110 or this theme when tag shortcode is called standalone outside of tags shortcode ? -->
{{- end }}