760 lines
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760 lines
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// ssh.go
// Copyright (C) Andrew Woodlee 2023
// License: Apache-2.0
package backy
import (
var PrivateKeyExtraInfoErr = errors.New("Private key may be encrypted. \nIf encrypted, make sure the password is specified correctly in the correct section. This may be done in one of three ways: \n privatekeypassword: env:PR_KEY_PASS \n privatekeypassword: file:/path/to/password-file \n privatekeypassword: password (not recommended). \n ")
var TS = strings.TrimSpace
// ConnectToHost connects to a host by looking up the config values in the file ~/.ssh/config
// It uses any set values and looks up an unset values in the config files
// remoteConfig is modified directly. The *ssh.Client is returned as part of remoteConfig,
// If configFile is empty, any required configuration is looked up in the default config files
// If any value is not found, defaults are used
func (remoteConfig *Host) ConnectToHost(opts *ConfigOpts) error {
var connectErr error
if TS(remoteConfig.ConfigFilePath) == "" {
remoteConfig.useDefaultConfig = true
khPathErr := remoteConfig.GetKnownHosts()
if khPathErr != nil {
return khPathErr
if remoteConfig.ClientConfig == nil {
remoteConfig.ClientConfig = &ssh.ClientConfig{}
var configFile *os.File
var sshConfigFileOpenErr error
if !remoteConfig.useDefaultConfig {
var err error
remoteConfig.ConfigFilePath, err = resolveDir(remoteConfig.ConfigFilePath)
if err != nil {
return err
configFile, sshConfigFileOpenErr = os.Open(remoteConfig.ConfigFilePath)
if sshConfigFileOpenErr != nil {
return sshConfigFileOpenErr
} else {
defaultConfig, _ := resolveDir("~/.ssh/config")
configFile, sshConfigFileOpenErr = os.Open(defaultConfig)
if sshConfigFileOpenErr != nil {
return sshConfigFileOpenErr
remoteConfig.SSHConfigFile = &sshConfigFile{}
remoteConfig.SSHConfigFile.DefaultUserSettings = ssh_config.DefaultUserSettings
var decodeErr error
remoteConfig.SSHConfigFile.SshConfigFile, decodeErr = ssh_config.Decode(configFile)
if decodeErr != nil {
return decodeErr
err := remoteConfig.GetProxyJumpFromConfig(opts.Hosts)
if err != nil {
return err
if remoteConfig.ProxyHost != nil {
for _, proxyHost := range remoteConfig.ProxyHost {
err := proxyHost.GetProxyJumpConfig(opts.Hosts, opts)
opts.Logger.Info().Msgf("Proxy host: %s", proxyHost.Host)
if err != nil {
return err
remoteConfig.ClientConfig.Timeout = time.Second * 30
if remoteConfig.HostName == "" {
return errors.Errorf("No hostname found or specified for host %s", remoteConfig.Host)
err = remoteConfig.GetAuthMethods(opts)
if err != nil {
return err
hostKeyCallback, err := knownhosts.New(remoteConfig.KnownHostsFile)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not create hostkeycallback function")
remoteConfig.ClientConfig.HostKeyCallback = hostKeyCallback
// opts.Logger.Info().Str("user", remoteConfig.ClientConfig.User).Send()
remoteConfig.SshClient, connectErr = remoteConfig.ConnectThroughBastion(opts.Logger)
if connectErr != nil {
return connectErr
if remoteConfig.SshClient != nil {
opts.Hosts[remoteConfig.Host] = remoteConfig
return nil
opts.Logger.Info().Msgf("Connecting to host %s", remoteConfig.HostName)
remoteConfig.SshClient, connectErr = ssh.Dial("tcp", remoteConfig.HostName, remoteConfig.ClientConfig)
if connectErr != nil {
return connectErr
opts.Hosts[remoteConfig.Host] = remoteConfig
return nil
func (remoteHost *Host) GetSshUserFromConfig() {
if TS(remoteHost.User) == "" {
remoteHost.User, _ = remoteHost.SSHConfigFile.SshConfigFile.Get(remoteHost.Host, "User")
if TS(remoteHost.User) == "" {
remoteHost.User = remoteHost.SSHConfigFile.DefaultUserSettings.Get(remoteHost.Host, "User")
if TS(remoteHost.User) == "" {
currentUser, _ := user.Current()
remoteHost.User = currentUser.Username
remoteHost.ClientConfig.User = remoteHost.User
func (remoteHost *Host) GetAuthMethods(opts *ConfigOpts) error {
var signer ssh.Signer
var err error
var privateKey []byte
remoteHost.Password = strings.TrimSpace(remoteHost.Password)
remoteHost.PrivateKeyPassword = strings.TrimSpace(remoteHost.PrivateKeyPassword)
remoteHost.PrivateKeyPath = strings.TrimSpace(remoteHost.PrivateKeyPath)
if remoteHost.PrivateKeyPath != "" {
privateKey, err = os.ReadFile(remoteHost.PrivateKeyPath)
if err != nil {
return err
remoteHost.PrivateKeyPassword, err = GetPrivateKeyPassword(remoteHost.PrivateKeyPassword, opts, opts.Logger)
if err != nil {
return err
if remoteHost.PrivateKeyPassword == "" {
signer, err = ssh.ParsePrivateKey(privateKey)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("Failed to open private key file %s: %v \n\n %v", remoteHost.PrivateKeyPath, err, PrivateKeyExtraInfoErr)
remoteHost.ClientConfig.Auth = []ssh.AuthMethod{ssh.PublicKeys(signer)}
} else {
signer, err = ssh.ParsePrivateKeyWithPassphrase(privateKey, []byte(remoteHost.PrivateKeyPassword))
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("Failed to open private key file %s: %v \n\n %v", remoteHost.PrivateKeyPath, err, PrivateKeyExtraInfoErr)
remoteHost.ClientConfig.Auth = []ssh.AuthMethod{ssh.PublicKeys(signer)}
if remoteHost.Password == "" {
remoteHost.Password, err = GetPassword(remoteHost.Password, opts, opts.Logger)
if err != nil {
return err
remoteHost.ClientConfig.Auth = append(remoteHost.ClientConfig.Auth, ssh.Password(remoteHost.Password))
return nil
// GetPrivateKeyFromConfig checks to see if the privateKeyPath is empty.
// If not, it keeps the value.
// If empty, the key is looked for in the specified config file.
// If that path is empty, the default config file is searched.
// If not found in the default file, the privateKeyPath is set to ~/.ssh/id_rsa
func (remoteHost *Host) GetPrivateKeyFileFromConfig() {
var identityFile string
if remoteHost.PrivateKeyPath == "" {
identityFile, _ = remoteHost.SSHConfigFile.SshConfigFile.Get(remoteHost.Host, "IdentityFile")
if identityFile == "" {
identityFile, _ = remoteHost.SSHConfigFile.DefaultUserSettings.GetStrict(remoteHost.Host, "IdentityFile")
if identityFile == "" {
identityFile = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
if identityFile == "" {
identityFile = remoteHost.PrivateKeyPath
remoteHost.PrivateKeyPath, _ = resolveDir(identityFile)
// GetPort checks if the port from the config file is 0
// If it is the port is searched in the SSH config file(s)
func (remoteHost *Host) GetPort() {
port := fmt.Sprintf("%d", remoteHost.Port)
// port specifed?
// port will be 0 if missing from backy config
if port == "0" {
// get port from specified SSH config file
port, _ = remoteHost.SSHConfigFile.SshConfigFile.Get(remoteHost.Host, "Port")
if port == "" {
// get port from default SSH config file
port = remoteHost.SSHConfigFile.DefaultUserSettings.Get(remoteHost.Host, "Port")
// set port to be default
if port == "" {
port = "22"
portNum, _ := strconv.ParseUint(port, 10, 16)
remoteHost.Port = uint16(portNum)
func (remoteHost *Host) CombineHostNameWithPort() {
// if the port is already in the HostName, leave it
if strings.HasSuffix(remoteHost.HostName, fmt.Sprintf(":%d", remoteHost.Port)) {
remoteHost.HostName = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", remoteHost.HostName, remoteHost.Port)
func (remoteHost *Host) GetHostName() {
if remoteHost.HostName == "" {
remoteHost.HostName, _ = remoteHost.SSHConfigFile.SshConfigFile.Get(remoteHost.Host, "HostName")
if remoteHost.HostName == "" {
remoteHost.HostName = remoteHost.SSHConfigFile.DefaultUserSettings.Get(remoteHost.Host, "HostName")
func (remoteHost *Host) ConnectThroughBastion(log zerolog.Logger) (*ssh.Client, error) {
if remoteHost.ProxyHost == nil {
return nil, nil
log.Info().Msgf("Connecting to proxy host %s", remoteHost.ProxyHost[0].HostName)
// connect to the bastion host
bClient, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", remoteHost.ProxyHost[0].HostName, remoteHost.ProxyHost[0].ClientConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
remoteHost.ProxyHost[0].SshClient = bClient
// Dial a connection to the service host, from the bastion
conn, err := bClient.Dial("tcp", remoteHost.HostName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Info().Msgf("Connecting to host %s", remoteHost.HostName)
ncc, chans, reqs, err := ssh.NewClientConn(conn, remoteHost.HostName, remoteHost.ClientConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// sClient is an ssh client connected to the service host, through the bastion host.
sClient := ssh.NewClient(ncc, chans, reqs)
return sClient, nil
// GetKnownHosts resolves the host's KnownHosts file if it is defined
// if not defined, the default location for this file is used
func (remotehHost *Host) GetKnownHosts() error {
var knownHostsFileErr error
if TS(remotehHost.KnownHostsFile) != "" {
remotehHost.KnownHostsFile, knownHostsFileErr = resolveDir(remotehHost.KnownHostsFile)
return knownHostsFileErr
remotehHost.KnownHostsFile, knownHostsFileErr = resolveDir("~/.ssh/known_hosts")
return knownHostsFileErr
func GetPrivateKeyPassword(key string, opts *ConfigOpts, log zerolog.Logger) (string, error) {
var prKeyPassword string
if strings.HasPrefix(key, "file:") {
privKeyPassFilePath := strings.TrimPrefix(key, "file:")
privKeyPassFilePath, _ = resolveDir(privKeyPassFilePath)
keyFile, keyFileErr := os.Open(privKeyPassFilePath)
if keyFileErr != nil {
return "", errors.Errorf("Private key password file %s failed to open. \n Make sure it is accessible and correct.", privKeyPassFilePath)
passwordScanner := bufio.NewScanner(keyFile)
for passwordScanner.Scan() {
prKeyPassword = passwordScanner.Text()
} else if strings.HasPrefix(key, "env:") {
privKey := strings.TrimPrefix(key, "env:")
privKey = strings.TrimPrefix(privKey, "${")
privKey = strings.TrimSuffix(privKey, "}")
privKey = strings.TrimPrefix(privKey, "$")
prKeyPassword = os.Getenv(privKey)
} else {
prKeyPassword = key
prKeyPassword = GetVaultKey(prKeyPassword, opts, opts.Logger)
return prKeyPassword, nil
// GetPassword gets any password
func GetPassword(pass string, opts *ConfigOpts, log zerolog.Logger) (string, error) {
pass = strings.TrimSpace(pass)
if pass == "" {
return "", nil
var password string
if strings.HasPrefix(pass, "file:") {
passFilePath := strings.TrimPrefix(pass, "file:")
passFilePath, _ = resolveDir(passFilePath)
keyFile, keyFileErr := os.Open(passFilePath)
if keyFileErr != nil {
return "", errors.New("Password file failed to open")
passwordScanner := bufio.NewScanner(keyFile)
for passwordScanner.Scan() {
password = passwordScanner.Text()
} else if strings.HasPrefix(pass, "env:") {
passEnv := strings.TrimPrefix(pass, "env:")
passEnv = strings.TrimPrefix(passEnv, "${")
passEnv = strings.TrimSuffix(passEnv, "}")
passEnv = strings.TrimPrefix(passEnv, "$")
password = os.Getenv(passEnv)
} else {
password = pass
password = GetVaultKey(password, opts, opts.Logger)
return password, nil
func (remoteConfig *Host) GetProxyJumpFromConfig(hosts map[string]*Host) error {
proxyJump, _ := remoteConfig.SSHConfigFile.SshConfigFile.Get(remoteConfig.Host, "ProxyJump")
if proxyJump == "" {
proxyJump = remoteConfig.SSHConfigFile.DefaultUserSettings.Get(remoteConfig.Host, "ProxyJump")
if remoteConfig.ProxyJump == "" && proxyJump != "" {
remoteConfig.ProxyJump = proxyJump
proxyJumpHosts := strings.Split(remoteConfig.ProxyJump, ",")
if remoteConfig.ProxyHost == nil && len(proxyJumpHosts) == 1 {
remoteConfig.ProxyJump = proxyJump
proxyHost, proxyHostFound := hosts[proxyJump]
if proxyHostFound {
remoteConfig.ProxyHost = append(remoteConfig.ProxyHost, proxyHost)
} else {
if proxyJump != "" {
newProxy := &Host{Host: proxyJump}
remoteConfig.ProxyHost = append(remoteConfig.ProxyHost, newProxy)
return nil
func (remoteConfig *Host) GetProxyJumpConfig(hosts map[string]*Host, opts *ConfigOpts) error {
if TS(remoteConfig.ConfigFilePath) == "" {
remoteConfig.useDefaultConfig = true
khPathErr := remoteConfig.GetKnownHosts()
if khPathErr != nil {
return khPathErr
if remoteConfig.ClientConfig == nil {
remoteConfig.ClientConfig = &ssh.ClientConfig{}
var configFile *os.File
var sshConfigFileOpenErr error
if !remoteConfig.useDefaultConfig {
configFile, sshConfigFileOpenErr = os.Open(remoteConfig.ConfigFilePath)
if sshConfigFileOpenErr != nil {
return sshConfigFileOpenErr
} else {
defaultConfig, _ := resolveDir("~/.ssh/config")
configFile, sshConfigFileOpenErr = os.Open(defaultConfig)
if sshConfigFileOpenErr != nil {
return sshConfigFileOpenErr
remoteConfig.SSHConfigFile = &sshConfigFile{}
remoteConfig.SSHConfigFile.DefaultUserSettings = ssh_config.DefaultUserSettings
var decodeErr error
remoteConfig.SSHConfigFile.SshConfigFile, decodeErr = ssh_config.Decode(configFile)
if decodeErr != nil {
return decodeErr
remoteConfig.isProxyHost = true
if remoteConfig.HostName == "" {
return errors.Errorf("No hostname found or specified for host %s", remoteConfig.Host)
err := remoteConfig.GetAuthMethods(opts)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Add value/option to config for host key and add bool to check for host key
hostKeyCallback, err := knownhosts.New(remoteConfig.KnownHostsFile)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not create hostkeycallback function: %v", err)
remoteConfig.ClientConfig.HostKeyCallback = hostKeyCallback
hosts[remoteConfig.Host] = remoteConfig
return nil
// RunCmdSSH runs commands over SSH.
func (command *Command) RunCmdSSH(cmdCtxLogger zerolog.Logger, opts *ConfigOpts) ([]string, error) {
var (
ArgsStr string
cmdOutBuf bytes.Buffer
cmdOutWriters io.Writer
envVars = environmentVars{
file: command.Env,
env: command.Environment,
// Get the command type
// This must be done before concatenating the arguments
command.Type = strings.TrimSpace(command.Type)
command = getCommandType(command)
// Prepare command arguments
for _, v := range command.Args {
ArgsStr += fmt.Sprintf(" %s", v)
Str("Command", command.Name).
Str("Host", *command.Host).
Msgf("Running %s on host %s", getCommandTypeLabel(command.Type), *command.Host)
// cmdCtxLogger.Debug().Str("cmd", command.Cmd).Strs("args", command.Args).Send()
// Ensure SSH client is connected
if command.RemoteHost.SshClient == nil {
if err := command.RemoteHost.ConnectToHost(opts); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to connect to host: %w", err)
// Create new SSH session
commandSession, err := command.RemoteHost.createSSHSession(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create SSH session: %w", err)
defer commandSession.Close()
// Inject environment variables
injectEnvIntoSSH(envVars, commandSession, opts, cmdCtxLogger)
// Set output writers
cmdOutWriters = io.MultiWriter(&cmdOutBuf)
if IsCmdStdOutEnabled() {
cmdOutWriters = io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, &cmdOutBuf)
commandSession.Stdout = cmdOutWriters
commandSession.Stderr = cmdOutWriters
// Handle command execution based on type
switch command.Type {
case "script":
return command.runScript(commandSession, cmdCtxLogger, &cmdOutBuf)
case "scriptFile":
return command.runScriptFile(commandSession, cmdCtxLogger, &cmdOutBuf)
case "package":
if command.PackageOperation == "checkVersion" {
commandSession.Stderr = nil
// Execute the package version command remotely
// Parse the output of package version command
// Compare versions
// Check if a specific version is specified
commandSession.Stdout = nil
return checkPackageVersion(cmdCtxLogger, command, commandSession, cmdOutBuf)
} else {
if command.Shell != "" {
ArgsStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s -c '%s %s'", command.Shell, command.Cmd, ArgsStr)
} else {
ArgsStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", command.Cmd, ArgsStr)
cmdCtxLogger.Debug().Str("cmd + args", ArgsStr).Send()
// Run simple command
if err := commandSession.Run(ArgsStr); err != nil {
return collectOutput(&cmdOutBuf, command.Name, cmdCtxLogger, true), fmt.Errorf("error running command: %w", err)
if command.Shell != "" {
ArgsStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s -c '%s %s'", command.Shell, command.Cmd, ArgsStr)
} else {
ArgsStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", command.Cmd, ArgsStr)
cmdCtxLogger.Debug().Str("cmd + args", ArgsStr).Send()
// Run simple command
if err := commandSession.Run(ArgsStr); err != nil {
return collectOutput(&cmdOutBuf, command.Name, cmdCtxLogger, command.GetOutput), fmt.Errorf("error running command: %w", err)
return collectOutput(&cmdOutBuf, command.Name, cmdCtxLogger, true), nil
func checkPackageVersion(cmdCtxLogger zerolog.Logger, command *Command, commandSession *ssh.Session, cmdOutBuf bytes.Buffer) ([]string, error) {
cmdCtxLogger.Info().Str("package", command.PackageName).Msg("Checking package versions")
// Prepare command arguments
ArgsStr := command.Cmd
for _, v := range command.Args {
ArgsStr += fmt.Sprintf(" %s", v)
var err error
var cmdOut []byte
if cmdOut, err = commandSession.CombinedOutput(ArgsStr); err != nil {
_, parseErr := parsePackageVersion(string(cmdOut), cmdCtxLogger, command, cmdOutBuf)
if parseErr != nil {
return collectOutput(&cmdOutBuf, command.Name, cmdCtxLogger, command.GetOutput), fmt.Errorf("error: package %s not listed: %w", command.PackageName, err)
return collectOutput(&cmdOutBuf, command.Name, cmdCtxLogger, command.GetOutput), fmt.Errorf("error running %s: %w", ArgsStr, err)
return parsePackageVersion(string(cmdOut), cmdCtxLogger, command, cmdOutBuf)
// getCommandTypeLabel returns a human-readable label for the command type.
func getCommandTypeLabel(commandType string) string {
if commandType == "" {
return "command"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s command", commandType)
// runScript handles the execution of inline scripts.
func (command *Command) runScript(session *ssh.Session, cmdCtxLogger zerolog.Logger, outputBuf *bytes.Buffer) ([]string, error) {
script, err := command.prepareScriptBuffer()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
session.Stdin = script
if err := session.Shell(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error starting shell: %w", err)
if err := session.Wait(); err != nil {
return collectOutput(outputBuf, command.Name, cmdCtxLogger, true), fmt.Errorf("error waiting for shell: %w", err)
return collectOutput(outputBuf, command.Name, cmdCtxLogger, command.GetOutput), nil
// runScriptFile handles the execution of script files.
func (command *Command) runScriptFile(session *ssh.Session, cmdCtxLogger zerolog.Logger, outputBuf *bytes.Buffer) ([]string, error) {
script, err := command.prepareScriptFileBuffer()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
session.Stdin = script
if err := session.Shell(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error starting shell: %w", err)
if err := session.Wait(); err != nil {
return collectOutput(outputBuf, command.Name, cmdCtxLogger, true), fmt.Errorf("error waiting for shell: %w", err)
return collectOutput(outputBuf, command.Name, cmdCtxLogger, true), nil
// prepareScriptBuffer prepares a buffer for inline scripts.
func (command *Command) prepareScriptBuffer() (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if command.ScriptEnvFile != "" {
envBuffer, err := readFileToBuffer(command.ScriptEnvFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buffer.WriteString(command.Cmd + "\n")
return &buffer, nil
// prepareScriptFileBuffer prepares a buffer for script files.
func (command *Command) prepareScriptFileBuffer() (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
// Handle script environment file
if command.ScriptEnvFile != "" {
envBuffer, err := readFileToBuffer(command.ScriptEnvFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Handle script file
scriptBuffer, err := readFileToBuffer(command.Cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &buffer, nil
// readFileToBuffer reads a file into a buffer.
func readFileToBuffer(filePath string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
resolvedPath, err := resolveDir(filePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
file, err := os.Open(resolvedPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if _, err := io.Copy(&buffer, file); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &buffer, nil
// collectOutput collects output from a buffer and logs it.
func collectOutput(buf *bytes.Buffer, commandName string, logger zerolog.Logger, wantOutput bool) []string {
var outputArr []string
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(buf)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
outputArr = append(outputArr, line)
if wantOutput {
logger.Info().Str("cmd", commandName).Str("output", line).Send()
return outputArr
// createSSHSession attempts to create a new SSH session and retries on failure.
func (h *Host) createSSHSession(opts *ConfigOpts) (*ssh.Session, error) {
session, err := h.SshClient.NewSession()
if err == nil {
return session, nil
// Retry connection and session creation
if connErr := h.ConnectToHost(opts); connErr != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("session creation failed: %v, connection retry failed: %v", err, connErr)
return h.SshClient.NewSession()
func (h *Host) DetectOS(opts *ConfigOpts) (string, error) {
err := h.ConnectToHost(opts)
if err != nil {
return "", err
var session *ssh.Session
session, err = h.createSSHSession(opts)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Execute the "uname -a" command on the remote machine
output, err := session.CombinedOutput("uname")
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to execute OS detection command: %v", err)
// Parse the output to determine the OS
osName := string(output)
return osName, nil