You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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extends ../layouts/main
block content
form(method="POST", action="/user").uk-form
.uk-card-header Create New Account
p You are creating a new member account on #[+renderSiteLink()]. If you have an account, please #[a(href="/welcome/login") log in here]. An account is required to comment on posts and use other site features.
label(for="email").uk-form-label Email
input(id="email", name="email", type="email", autocomplete="off", placeholder="Enter your email address").uk-input"uk-visible@m") I'm throwing your email address away after the demo, and I'm not verifying it. You won't receive email.
label(for="username").uk-form-label Username
input(id="username", name="username", type="text", autocomplete="off", placeholder="Enter a username").uk-input"uk-visible@m") 40 characters max. No spaces. A-Z, a-z, 0-9, - (dash) and _ (underscore).
label(for="display-name").uk-form-label Display Name
input(id="display-name", name="displayName", type="text", autocomplete="off", placeholder="Enter a display name").uk-input"uk-visible@m") 40 characters max, and can include most printable characters including emojis, spaces, whatever you're into within reason.
label(for="password").uk-form-label Password
input(id="password", name="password", type="password", placeholder="Enter password").uk-input"uk-visible@m") Don't forget your password. There is no reset (yet).
label(for="passwordv").uk-form-label Verify password
input(id="passwordv", name="passwordv", type="password", placeholder="Verify password").uk-input"uk-visible@m") Please enter your password again to prove you're not an idiot.
input(type="checkbox", checked).uk-checkbox
| Join #{}'s Newsletter
div(style="background: white;")
img(src='/welcome/signup/captcha', style="padding: 8px 0;")
input(id="captcha", name="captcha", type="text", placeholder="Enter captcha text")
button(type="submit") Create Account