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// image.js
// Copyright (C) 2022 DTP Technologies, LLC
// License: Apache-2.0
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const SiteImage = mongoose.model('Image');
const sharp = require('sharp');
const { SiteService, SiteAsync } = require('../../lib/site-lib');
class ImageService extends SiteService {
constructor(dtp) {
super(dtp, module.exports);
this.populateImage = [
path: 'owner',
select: '_id username username_lc displayName picture'
async start() {
await super.start();
await fs.promises.mkdir(process.env.DTP_IMAGE_WORK_PATH, { recursive: true });
async create(owner, imageDefinition, file) {
const NOW = new Date();
const { minio: minioService } =;
3 years ago
try {
this.log.debug('processing uploaded image', { imageDefinition, file });
const sharpImage = sharp(file.path);
3 years ago
const metadata = await sharpImage.metadata();
3 years ago
// create an Image model instance, but leave it here in application memory.
// we don't persist it to the db until MinIO accepts the binary data.
const image = new SiteImage();
image.created = NOW;
image.owner = owner._id;
image.type = file.mimetype;
image.size = file.size;
image.file.bucket = process.env.MINIO_IMAGE_BUCKET;
image.metadata = this.makeImageMetadata(metadata);
3 years ago
const imageId = image._id.toString();
const ownerId = owner._id.toString();
const fileKey = `/${ownerId.slice(0, 3)}/${ownerId}/${imageId.slice(0, 3)}/${imageId}`;
image.file.key = fileKey;
3 years ago
// upload the image file to MinIO
const response = await minioService.uploadFile({
bucket: image.file.bucket,
key: image.file.key,
filePath: file.path,
metadata: {
'Content-Type': file.mimetype,
'Content-Length': file.size,
3 years ago
// store the eTag from MinIO in the Image model
image.file.etag = response.etag;
3 years ago
// save the Image model to the db
3 years ago'processed uploaded image', { ownerId, imageId, fileKey });
return image.toObject();
} catch (error) {
this.log.error('failed to process image', { error });
throw error;
} finally {'removing uploaded image from local file system', { file: file.path });
await fs.promises.rm(file.path);
async getImageById(imageId) {
const image = await SiteImage
return image;
async getRecentImagesForOwner(owner, limit = 10) {
const images = await SiteImage
.find({ owner: owner._id })
.sort({ created: -1 })
return images;
async getRecentImages (pagination) {
const images = await SiteImage
.sort({ created: -1 })
const totalImageCount = await SiteImage.estimatedDocumentCount();
return { images, totalImageCount };
async downloadImage (image, filename) {
const { minio: minioService } =;
return minioService.downloadFile({
bucket: image.file.bucket,
key: image.file.key,
filePath: filename,
async deleteImage(image) {
const { minio: minioService } =;
this.log.debug('removing image from storage', { bucket: image.file.bucket, key: image.file.key });
await minioService.removeObject(image.file.bucket, image.file.key);
this.log.debug('removing image from MongoDB', { _id: image._id });
await SiteImage.deleteOne({ _id: image._id });
async processImageFile(owner, file, outputs, options) {
this.log.debug('processing image file', { owner, file, outputs });
const sharpImage = sharp(file.path);
return this.processImage(owner, sharpImage, outputs, options);
async processImage(owner, sharpImage, outputs, options) {
const NOW = new Date();
const service = this;
const { minio: minioService } =;
options = Object.assign({
removeWorkFiles: true,
}, options);
const imageWorkPath = process.env.DTP_IMAGE_WORK_PATH || '/tmp';
const metadata = await sharpImage.metadata();
async function processOutputImage(output) {
const outputMetadata = service.makeImageMetadata(metadata);
outputMetadata.width = output.width;
outputMetadata.height = output.height;
service.log.debug('processing image', { output, outputMetadata });
const image = new SiteImage();
image.created = NOW;
image.owner = owner._id;
image.type = `image/${output.format}`;
image.metadata = outputMetadata;
try {
let chain = sharpImage
width: output.width,
height: output.height,
options: output.resizeOptions,
chain = chain[output.format](output.formatParameters);
output.filePath = path.join(imageWorkPath, `${image._id}.${output.width}x${output.height}.${output.format}`);
output.mimetype = `image/${output.format}`;
await chain.toFile(output.filePath);
output.stat = await fs.promises.stat(output.filePath);
} catch (error) {
service.log.error('failed to process output image', { output, error });
throw error;
try {
const imageId = image._id.toString();
const ownerId = owner._id.toString();
const fileKey = `/${ownerId.slice(0, 3)}/${ownerId}/images/${imageId.slice(0, 3)}/${imageId}.${output.format}`;
image.file.bucket = process.env.MINIO_IMAGE_BUCKET;
image.file.key = fileKey;
image.size = output.stat.size;
// upload the image file to MinIO
const response = await minioService.uploadFile({
bucket: image.file.bucket,
key: image.file.key,
filePath: output.filePath,
metadata: {
'Content-Type': output.mimetype,
'Content-Length': output.stat.size,
// store the eTag from MinIO in the Image model
image.file.etag = response.etag;
// save the Image model to the db
await;'processed uploaded image', { ownerId, imageId, fileKey });
if (options.removeWorkFiles) {
service.log.debug('removing work file', { path: output.filePath });
await fs.promises.unlink(output.filePath);
delete output.filePath;
output.image = {
_id: image._id,
bucket: image.file.bucket,
key: image.file.key,
} catch (error) {
service.log.error('failed to persist output image', { output, error });
if (options.removeWorkFiles) {
service.log.debug('removing work file', { path: output.filePath });
await SiteAsync.each(outputs, async (output) => {
await fs.promises.unlink(output.filePath);
delete output.filePath;
}, 4);
throw error;
await SiteAsync.each(outputs, processOutputImage, 4);
async getSiteIconInfo() {
const siteDomain =;
const siteImagesDir = path.join(this.dtp.config.root, 'client', 'img');
const siteIconDir = path.join(siteImagesDir, 'icon', siteDomain);
let icon;
try {
await fs.promises.access(siteIconDir);
const iconMetadata = await sharp(path.join(siteIconDir, 'icon-512x512.png')).metadata();
icon = {
metadata: iconMetadata,
path: `/img/icon/${siteDomain}/icon-512x512.png`,
} catch (error) {
icon = null;
return icon;
async updateSiteIcon(imageDefinition, file) {
this.log.debug('updating site icon', { imageDefinition, file });
try {
const siteDomain =;
const siteImagesDir = path.join(this.dtp.config.root, 'client', 'img');
const siteIconDir = path.join(siteImagesDir, 'icon', siteDomain);
const sourceIconFilePath = file.path;
const sizes = [16, 32, 36, 48, 57, 60, 70, 72, 76, 96, 114, 120, 144, 150, 152, 180, 192, 256, 310, 384, 512];
await fs.promises.mkdir(siteIconDir, { force: true, recursive: true });
for (var size of sizes) {
await sharp(sourceIconFilePath).resize({
width: size,
height: size,
.toFile(path.join(siteIconDir, `icon-${size}x${size}.png`));
await fs.promises.cp(sourceIconFilePath, path.join(siteIconDir, `${siteDomain}.png`));
await fs.promises.cp(sourceIconFilePath, path.join(siteImagesDir, 'social-cards', `${siteDomain}.png`));
return path.join(siteIconDir, 'icon-512x512.png');
} catch (error) {
this.log.error('failed to update site icon', { error });
throw error;
} finally {'removing uploaded image from local file system', { file: file.path });
await fs.promises.rm(file.path);
makeImageMetadata(metadata) {
return {
format: metadata.format,
size: metadata.size,
width: metadata.width,
height: metadata.height,
channels: metadata.channels,
depth: metadata.depth,
density: metadata.density,
hasAlpha: metadata.hasAlpha,
orientation: metadata.orientation,
module.exports = {
logId: 'image',
index: 'image',
className: 'ImageService',
create: (dtp) => { return new ImageService(dtp); },