You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
1.1 KiB

extends layouts/main-sidebar
block content
include post/components/list-item
include post/components/featured-item
if site.featuredEmbed
2 years ago
.content-block!= site.featuredEmbed
if Array.isArray(featuredPosts) && (featuredPosts.length > 0)
2 years ago
+renderSectionTitle('Featured Posts')
- var topPost = featuredPosts.shift();
2 years ago
if (featuredPosts.length > 0)
each post in featuredPosts
//- Blog Posts
+renderSectionTitle(`${} Posts`)
2 years ago
if Array.isArray(posts) && (posts.length > 0)
- var postIndex = 1;
each post in posts
+renderBlogPostListItem(post, postIndex, 4)
- postIndex += 1;
div There are no posts at this time. Please check back later!