You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

66 lines
2.6 KiB

3 years ago
extends ../layouts/main
block content
- var actionUrl = newsletter ? `/admin/newsletter/${newsletter._id}` : `/admin/newsletter`;
form(method="POST", action= actionUrl).uk-form
label(for="title") Newsletter title
input(id="title", name="title", type="text", placeholder= "Enter newsletter title", value= newsletter ? newsletter.title : undefined).uk-input
label(for="content-html") Newsletter HTML body
textarea(id="content-html", name="content.html", rows="4").uk-textarea= newsletter ? newsletter.content.html : undefined
button(type="button", onclick="return, 'content-text');").uk-button.dtp-button-default Copy HTML to Text
label(for="content-text") Newsletter text body
textarea(id="content-text", name="content.text", rows="4", placeholder= "Enter text-only version of newsletter.").uk-textarea= newsletter ? newsletter.content.text : undefined
label(for="summary") Newsletter summary
textarea(id="summary", name="summary", rows="4", placeholder= "Enter newsletter summary (text only, no HTML)").uk-textarea= newsletter ? newsletter.summary : undefined
button(type="submit").uk-button.dtp-button-primary= newsletter ? 'Update newsletter' : 'Save newsletter'
block viewjs
window.addEventListener('dtp-load', async ( ) => {
const toolbarItems = [
'undo redo',
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'preview', 'anchor', 'searchreplace', 'visualblocks', 'code',
'fullscreen', 'insertdatetime', 'media', 'table', 'paste', 'code',
'help', 'wordcount',
const editors = await tinymce.init({
selector: 'textarea#content-html',
height: 500,
menubar: false,
plugins: pluginItems.join(' '),
toolbar: toolbarItems.join('|'),
branding: false,
images_upload_url: '/image/tinymce',
image_class_list: [
{ title: 'Body Image', value: 'dtp-image-body' },
{ title: 'Title Image', value: 'dtp-image-title' },
convert_urls: false,
skin: "oxide-dark",
content_css: "dark",
3 years ago
}); = editors[0];