You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

259 lines
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// venue.js
// Copyright (C) 2022 Digital Telepresence, LLC
// License: Apache-2.0
'use strict';
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const VenueChannel = mongoose.model('VenueChannel');
const VenueChannelStatus = mongoose.model('VenueChannelStatus');
const https = require('https');
const fetch = require('node-fetch'); // jshint ignore:line
const striptags = require('striptags');
const slug = require('slug');
const CACHE_DURATION = 60 * 5;
const { SiteService, SiteError } = require('../../lib/site-lib');
class VenueService extends SiteService {
constructor (dtp) {
super(dtp, module.exports);
this.soapboxDomain = process.env.DTP_SOAPBOX_HOST || '';
async start ( ) {
const { user: userService } =;
this.httpsAgent = new https.Agent({
rejectUnauthorized: false,
this.populateVenueChannel = [
path: 'owner',
select: userService.USER_SELECT,
channelMiddleware ( ) {
return async (req, res, next) => {
try {
res.locals.venue = res.locals.venue || { };
res.locals.venue.channels = [ ];
if (req.path.startsWith('/image') ||
req.path.startsWith('/auth')) {
return next();
}'populating Venue channel data for route', { path: req.path });
await VenueChannel
.eachAsync(async (channel) => {
channel.currentStatus = await this.updateChannelStatus(channel);
return next();
} catch (error) {
this.log.error('failed to populate Soapbox channel data for route', { error });
return next();
async createChannel (owner, channelDefinition) {
const channel = new VenueChannel();
channel.ownerType = owner.type;
channel.owner = owner._id;
channel.slug = this.getChannelSlug(channelDefinition.url);
channel.sortOrder = parseInt(channelDefinition.sortOrder || '0', 10);
if (!channelDefinition['credentials.streamKey'] || (channelDefinition['credentials.streamKey'] === '')) {
throw new SiteError(400, 'Must provide a stream key');
if (!channelDefinition['credentials.widgetKey'] || (channelDefinition['credentials.widgetKey'] === '')) {
throw new SiteError(400, 'Must provide a widget key');
channel.credentials = {
streamKey: channelDefinition['credentials.streamKey'].trim(),
widgetKey: channelDefinition['credentials.widgetKey'].trim(),
}; =;
channel.description = status.description;
channel.currentStatus = await this.updateChannelStatus(channel);
return channel.toObject();
async updateChannel (channel, owner, channelDefinition) {
const updateOp = { $set: { } };
updateOp.$set.ownerType = owner.type;
updateOp.$set.owner = owner._id;
updateOp.$set.slug = this.getChannelSlug(channelDefinition.url);
updateOp.$set.sortOrder = parseInt(channelDefinition.sortOrder || '0', 10);
updateOp.$ =;
updateOp.$set.description = status.description;
if (!channelDefinition['credentials.streamKey'] || (channelDefinition['credentials.streamKey'] === '')) {
throw new SiteError(400, 'Must provide a stream key');
updateOp.$set['credentials.streamKey'] = channelDefinition['credentials.streamKey'].trim();
if (!channelDefinition['credentials.widgetKey'] || (channelDefinition['credentials.widgetKey'] === '')) {
throw new SiteError(400, 'Must provide a widget key');
updateOp.$set['credentials.widgetKey'] = channelDefinition['credentials.widgetKey'].trim();
channel = await VenueChannel.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: channel._id }, updateOp, { new: true });
channel.currentStatus = await this.updateChannelStatus(channel);
return channel;
async getChannels (pagination, options) {
options = Object.assign({ featuredOnly: false, withCredentials: false }, options);
const search = { };
let q = VenueChannel
.sort({ sortOrder: 1, name: 1, slug: 1 });
if (pagination) {
q = q.skip(pagination.skip).limit(pagination.cpp);
if (options.withCredentials) {
q ='+credentials');
const channels = await q.populate(this.populateVenueChannel).lean();
for (const channel of channels) {
channel.currentStatus = await this.updateChannelStatus(channel);
return channels;
async getChannelById (channelId, options) {
options = Object.assign({ withCredentials: false }, options);
let q = VenueChannel.findOne({ _id: channelId });
if (options.withCredentials) {
q ='+credentials');
const channel = await q.populate(this.populateVenueChannel).lean();
channel.currentStatus = await this.updateChannelStatus(channel);
return channel;
async getChannelBySlug (channelSlug, options) {
options = Object.assign({ withCredentials: false }, options);
let q = VenueChannel.findOne({ slug: channelSlug.toLowerCase().trim() });
if (options.withCredentials) {
q ='+credentials');
const channel = await q.populate(this.populateVenueChannel).lean();
channel.currentStatus = await this.updateChannelStatus(channel);
return channel;
async getChannelFeed (channel, options) {
const { cache: cacheService } =;
const cacheKey = `venue:ch:${channel.slug}`;
options = Object.assign({ allowCache: true }, options);
let json;
if (options.allowCache) {
json = await cacheService.getObject(cacheKey);
if (json) { return json; }
const requestUrl = `https://${this.soapboxDomain}/channel/${channel.slug}/feed/json`;'fetching Shing channel feed', { slug: channel.slug, requestUrl });
const response = await fetch(requestUrl, {
agent: this.httpsAgent,
if (!response.ok) {
throw new SiteError(500, `Failed to fetch Shing channel feed: ${response.statusText}`);
json = await response.json();
await cacheService.setObjectEx(cacheKey, CACHE_DURATION, json);
return json;
async updateChannelStatus (channel) {
const { logan: loganService } =;
try {
const requestUrl = `https://${this.soapboxDomain}/channel/${channel.slug}/status`;'fetching Shing channel status', { slug: channel.slug, requestUrl });
const response = await fetch(requestUrl, { agent: this.httpsAgent });
if (!response.ok) {
throw new SiteError(500, `Failed to fetch channel status: ${response.statusText}`);
const json = await response.json();
if (!json.success) {
throw new Error(`failed to fetch channel status: ${json.message}`);
} catch (error) {
loganService.sendEvent(module.exports, {
level: 'error',
event: 'updateChannelStatus',
message: error.message,
data: { error },
return; // undefined
getChannelSlug (channelUrl) {
const { URL } = require('url');
const url = new URL(channelUrl);
if ( !== this.soapboxDomain) {
throw new SiteError(400, 'This is not a valid DTP stream channel URL: Domain mismatch.');
const channelUrlParts = url.pathname.split('/').filter((part) => part.length > 0);
if (channelUrlParts[0] !== 'channel') {
throw new SiteError(400, 'This is not a valid DTP stream channel URL: Not on channel path.');
return slug(striptags(channelUrlParts[1].trim()));
async removeChannel (channel) {
await VenueChannelStatus.deleteMany({ channel: channel._id });
await VenueChannel.deleteOne({ _id: channel._id });
module.exports = {
slug: 'venue',
name: 'venue',
className: 'VenueService',
create: (dtp) => { return new VenueService(dtp); },