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extends ../layouts/main
block content
if networkPolicy === 'closed'
h1 Closed Core
div #{} is a closed Core that is not accepting new connections at this time.
else if error
p= message
pre= JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)
case txConnect.response.status
when 'connected'
h1 Core Connect Successful
div #{} is now connected to #{}.
when 'queued'
h1 Core Connect Queued
div #{} is a controlled Core, and must manually approve or reject your request to join their community. This status will be indicated on the Core Nodes dashboard.
when 'rejected'
h1 Core Connect Rejected
div Your request to join the #{} community has been rejected.
when 'failed'
h1 Core Connect Failed
div= txConnect.response.message
h2 Raw Response
pre= JSON.stringify(txConnect.response, null, 2)