| `cmd` | Defines the command to execute | `string` | yes | No |
| `Args` | Defines the arguments to the command | `[]string` | no | No |
| `environment` | Defines environment variables for the command | `[]string` | no | No |
| `type` | See documentation further down the page. Additional fields may be required. | `string` | no | No |
| `getOutput` | Command(s) output is in the notification(s) | `bool` | no | No |
| `host` | If not specified, the command will execute locally. | `string` | no | No |
| `scriptEnvFile` | When type is `scriptFile` or `script`, this file is prepended to the input. | `string` | no | No |
| `shell` | Run the command in the shell | `string` | no | No |
| `hooks` | Hooks are used at the end of the individual command. Must have at least `error`, `success`, or `final`. | `map[string][]string` | no | No |
If any `host` is not defined or left blank, the command will run on the local machine.
{{% /notice %}}
Host may or may not be defined in the `hosts` section.
{{% notice info %}}
If any `host` from the commands section does not match any object in the `hosts` section, the `Host` is assumed to be this value. This value will be used to search in the default SSH config files.
For example, say that I have a host defined in my SSH config with the `Host` defined as `web-prod`.
If I assign a value to host as `host: web-prod` and don't specify this value in the `hosts` object, web-prod will be used as the `Host` in searching the SSH config files.