Andrew Woodlee 4b382bddd9 v0.3.0
* Getting environment variables and passwords from Vault (not tested
* Vault configuration to config (not tested yet)
* Ability to run scripts from file on local machine on the remote host
* Ability to get ouput in the notification of a list for individual
commands or all commands
* Make SSH connections close after all commands have been run; reuse
previous connections if needed
2023-07-01 21:46:54 -05:00

131 lines
3.7 KiB

{{- $context := .context }}
{{- $content := .content }}
{{- $pagefield := cond (ne $content nil) nil (.pagefield | default "Content") }}
{{- $writenotice := cond (ne .writenotice nil) .writenotice false }}
{{- $langtrg := "pir" }}
{{- $langsrc := cond (eq $context.Lang $langtrg) (.langsrc | default "en") $context.Lang }}
{{- $baseURL := urls.Parse site.BaseURL }}
{{- $baseURLpath := $baseURL.Path | default "/" }}
{{- $l := $context.RelPermalink }}
{{- $c := "" }}
{{- if ne $content nil }}
{{- $c = $content }}
{{- else if eq $pagefield "Content" }}
{{- $c = $context.Content }}
{{- else if eq $pagefield "TableOfContents" }}
{{- $c = $context.TableOfContents }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $context.AllTranslations }}
{{- if eq .Language.Lang $langsrc }}
{{- $l = .RelPermalink }}
{{- if ne $content nil }}
{{- $c = $content }}
{{- else if eq $pagefield "Content" }}
{{- $c = .Content }}
{{- else if eq $pagefield "TableOfContents" }}
{{- $c = .TableOfContents }}
{{- end }}
{{- break }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq $context.Lang $langtrg }}
{{- if $writenotice }}
{{- partial "shortcodes/notice.html" (dict
"context" $context
"content" "<p>Fello' pirrrates, grog made us dizzy! Be awarrre <b>some stuff may not work</b> in this trrranslat'n. Like see'n <b>Merrrmaids</b>, do'n <b>math or chemistrrry</b>, writ'n docs and stuff.</p>\n"
"icon" "skull-crossbones"
"style" "warning"
"title" "Arrr! Pirrrates"
) }}
{{- end }}
{{- $words := dict
"Hugo" "Cap'n Hugo"
"Info" "Ahoi"
"Note" "Avast"
"Tip" "Smarrrt Arrrse"
"Warning" "Arrr"
"good" "bloody"
"shortcodes" "shorrrtcodes"
"Shortcodes" "Shorrrtcodes"
"Mermaid" "Merrrmaid"
"Markdown" "Marrrkdown"
"Markup" "Marrrkup"
"markup" "marrrkup"
"for" "fer"
"Your" "Yer"
"your" "yer"
"You" "Ye"
"you" "ye"
"the" "th'"
"The" "Th'"
"is" "be"
"Is" "Be"
"are" "be"
"Are" "Be"
"Of" "O'"
"of" "o'"
"To" "T'"
"to" "t'"
"in" "'n"
"With" "Wit'"
"with" "wit'"
"Where" "Whar'"
"where" "whar'"
"After" "Aft"
"after" "aft"
"And" "An'"
"and" "an'"
"Load" "Board"
"load" "board"
"Loaded" "Boarded"
"loaded" "boarded"
"Content" "Rrrambling"
"content" "rrrambling"
"icon" "ay'con"
"Icon" "Ay'con"
"icons" "ay'cons"
"Icons" "Ay'cons"
"syntax" "rules"
"Syntax" "Rules"
"Site" "Ship"
"site" "ship"
"Page" "Plank"
"page" "plank"
"Pages" "Planks"
"pages" "planks"
"Relearn" "Relearrrn"
"Learn" "Learrrn"
{{- $specials := dict
"(\\w)ing([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'n"
"(\\w)ings([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'ns"
"(\\w)tion([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "t'n"
"(\\w)tions([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "t'ns"
"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])ble([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'ble"
"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])mize([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'mize"
"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])mizes([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'mizes"
"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])nize([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'nize"
"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])nizes([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'nizes"
(printf "(.)=\"%s([^\"]*?\")" $baseURLpath) (printf "=\"%s%s/" $baseURLpath $langtrg)
{{- $fix := dict
"warn'n" "warning"
"sect'n" "section"
"n Cap'n" "n"
"Avast right o' John" "Note right of John"
{{- range $from, $to := $words }}
{{- $c = replaceRE (printf "([\\s\\n>])%s([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" $from) (printf "${1}%s${2}" $to) $c }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $from, $to := $specials }}
{{- $c = replaceRE $from (printf "${1}%s${2}" $to) $c }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $from, $to := $fix }}
{{- $c = replace $c $from $to }}
{{- end }}
{{- if (int (len $l)) }}
{{- $c = replaceRE "(src|href)=\"(images/[^\"]*?\")" (printf "${1}=\"%s${2}" $l) $c }}
{{- end }}
{{- $c = replaceRE (printf "(src|href)=\"([^\"]*?)/%s/([^\"]*?.files/[^\"]*?\")" $langtrg) "${1}=\"${2}/${3}" $c }}
{{- end }}
{{ $c | safeHTML }}