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Packages 2 This is dedicated to package commands.

This is dedicated to package commands. The command type field must be package. Package is a type that allows one to perform package operations. There are several additional options available when type is package:

name notes type required
packageName The name of a package to be modified. string yes
packageManager The name of the package manger to be used. string yes
packageOperation The type of operation to be perform. string yes
packageVersion The version of a package to be modified. string no


The following is an example of a package command:

    type: package
    shell: zsh
    packageName: docker-ce
    packageManager: apt
    packageOperation: install
    host: debian-based-host


The following package operations are supported:

  • install
  • remove
  • upgrade


The following package managers are recognized:

  • apt
  • yum
  • dnf

package command args

You can add additional arguments using the standard Args key. This is useful for adding more packages.


The PackageManager interface provides an easy to enforce functions and options. There are two interfaces, PackageManager and ConfigurablePackageManager in the directory pkg/pkgman. Go's import-cycle "feature" caused me to implement functional options using a third interface. PackageManagerOptionis a function that takes an interface.


// PackageManager is an interface used to define common package commands. This shall be implemented by every package.
type PackageManager interface {
	Install(pkg, version string, args []string) (string, []string)
	Remove(pkg string, args []string) (string, []string)
	Upgrade(pkg, version string) (string, []string) // Upgrade a specific package
	UpgradeAll() (string, []string)

	// Configure applies functional options to customize the package manager.
	Configure(options ...pkgcommon.PackageManagerOption)

There are a few functional options that should be implemented using the ConfigurablePackageManager interface:

// ConfigurablePackageManager defines methods for setting configuration options.
type ConfigurablePackageManager interface {
	SetUseAuth(useAuth bool)
	SetAuthCommand(authCommand string)