Andrew Woodlee 4b382bddd9 v0.3.0
* Getting environment variables and passwords from Vault (not tested
* Vault configuration to config (not tested yet)
* Ability to run scripts from file on local machine on the remote host
* Ability to get ouput in the notification of a list for individual
commands or all commands
* Make SSH connections close after all commands have been run; reuse
previous connections if needed
2023-07-01 21:46:54 -05:00

3.5 KiB

+++ title = "Credits" +++


Special thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project.

Many thanks to Mathieu Cornic for his work on porting the Learn theme to Hugo.

Many thanks to Andy Miller for initially creating the Learn theme for Grav.

Packages and Libraries

  • autoComplete - A lightweight and powerful vanilla JavaScript completion suggester
  • clipboard.js - A modern approach to copy text to clipboard
  • d3-zoom - Pan and zoom SVG, HTML or Canvas using mouse or touch input - plus dependencies
    • d3-color - Color spaces! RGB, HSL, Cubehelix, CIELAB, and more
    • d3-dispatch - Register named callbacks and call them with arguments
    • d3-ease - Easing functions for smooth animation
    • d3-interpolate - Interpolate numbers, colors, strings, arrays, objects, whatever
    • d3-selection - Transform the DOM by selecting elements and joining to data
    • d3-timer - An efficient queue for managing thousands of concurrent animations
    • d3-transition - Animated transitions for D3 selections
    • d3-drag - Drag and drop SVG, HTML or Canvas using mouse or touch input
  • Font Awesome - The internet's icon library and toolkit
  • Lunr - Enables a great search experience without the need for external, server-side, search services
  • Lunr Languages - A collection of languages stemmers and stopwords for Lunr Javascript library
  • MathJax - Beautiful math and chemical formulae in all browsers
  • Mermaid - Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown
  • Perfect Scrollbar - A minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin
  • SwaggerUI - Generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API
  • WorkSans - Work Sans is a 9 weight typeface family based loosely on early Grotesques
